G'day Steve (SJW) and wheatie thread followers. :icon_cheers:
I'm here to share some info on my latest hefeweizens. My Schneider weisse clone, which was crowned best wheat at the Bitter and Twisted festival, has been in the keg for 21 days and tastes like the best imported/bottled Schneider I ever tasted (sampled last night). Pretty easy recipe, which I'll post in the recipe database later. OK?
And the latest hefe, made with yeast salvaged from a Potter's weizen (presumed W3068) and 3.2kg of Muntons wheat DME, 15g of Target at 11% (boil 60 min) and 10g of 2.5% Saaz at 5 min. Pitch when cool (on 24/12) with a just-finished 500ml culture of the yeast (in wheat DME) and a pinch of yeast nutrient (in the wort, not the culture). 24 litre batch, pitched at 22C, agitated with a long spoon, and then popped into the fridge, with controller set to 18C. Fermentor temp/ stick-on thermometer shows 20C about 14 hours later and 18C last night. Of course it had popped the clip-on lid off the 30l fermentor and spewed krausen all through the old fridge. Being a caring brewer, I had relieved the batch of a sample of wort into a hydrometer flask at the time of pitching, covered it and sat it on my kitchen sink. The brew in the flask had done the same thing as the one in the fridge (overflowed with enthusiasm). I sampled the beer in the flask and I could detect some (quite a bit, actually) banana and passionfruit. It reminded me of JS Colonial wheat, and that pleased me considerably.
Hmmm, shame that I'm sharing this batch, but my mate's a good bloke and he is paying for the ingredients $$.![]()
BTW, the rule of 30 is in the Warner book about German Wheat Beers, and the grey gelatinous muck in your mash tun after sparging is cross-linked proteins called "tieg".
Thanks Les, great to hear what others are doing with wheaties and wheat yeast. Good to see another brewer who goes to so much bother to make "such a simple beer". Great Weizens are NOT easy to get right. It's all about yeast choice and fermentation with this beer style.