first try at growing hops

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First time growing hops, and I am noticing the hop flowers at the top of the plants appear to grow bigger (more mature) than those towards the base of the bine.

Is this a function of the amount of light / heat experienced by the plant at the top vs. the base, or is it something that the plant does for a specific reason unrelated to this where the more vigorous / mature flowering happens at the top of the plant?

If it isn't related to temp / light variations (I suspect this as the top and base get almost the exact same light conditions in my angled setup), then was thinking of having some sort of collapsible trellis system to encourage long bine length in the confines of a small backyard garden.

Hey malt_shovel,
I don't have an answer for you but have seen the same thing on mine. No burrs as yet though.
The lateral bines are probably 400mm long up at the extremities, but down lower on the plant they are much much shorter, some even just tiny leaves.
A lot of guys use a collapsable trellis system, I have done a variation myself. Vertical lines, then diagonal down to a fence, when they reach the fence I will cut the line and drop the plant back to the base of the original line and I am hoping the bine will climb back up itself.
Mine are first year plants too, doing well.
I am looking forward to a few flowers soon !


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