First Time Brewer Questions

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Hi all,
my first batch has been fermenting for 1 week now (coopers draught, 500g dex, 500g light dried malt extract) ive managed to keep it at a stable 20c with a fridge, i took a reading at the start 1.048 and again today 1.020 there doesnt seem to be any activity in the airlock i dont know if i should bottle tomorrow or wait another week, it looks like light orange juice ,not much like beer.
any help would be great

Draw off a sample, smell it and taste it.

If it smells and tastes like warm, flat beer, then gently swirl the fermenter without splashing and leave it for another few days, then take another hydrometer reading. Kit yeasts have a tendency of being mishandled, and of "falling asleep" before the job is done.

Also, the airlock is only a sign of activity if the fermenter lid provides a complete seal (and the airlock o-ring for that matter). You can check wheter you have a seal or not by applying pressure to the fermenter lid and seeing if the airlock bubbles. The best sign of activity is to take hydrometer readings every day or two when you speculate fermentation is nearing the end.


PS:... and welcome to the forums!
Draw off a sample, smell it and taste it.

If it smells and tastes like warm, flat beer, then gently swirl the fermenter without splashing and leave it for another few days, then take another hydrometer reading. Kit yeasts have a tendency of being mishandled, and of "falling asleep" before the job is done.

Also, the airlock is only a sign of activity if the fermenter lid provides a complete seal (and the airlock o-ring for that matter). You can check wheter you have a seal or not by applying pressure to the fermenter lid and seeing if the airlock bubbles. The best sign of activity is to take hydrometer readings every day or two when you speculate fermentation is nearing the end.


PS:... and welcome to the forums!

cheers, will do, will the color change or is this just what u get from kits? anyways being the first batch, cant expect too much

Ditto what Adam said, but also, a week is the absolute minimum for leaving your brew down.

My minimum is 10 days (usually 14 on the cake) before even looking at it.

A punt would be that you are looking for about 1012 - 1010 FG.
For a draught, light OJ is about the colour you'd expect. Kit's are fairly variable on colour, so don't get too worried. I've had dark wheat beers that still taste OK...just don't look right.
KegDrainer's punt on the FG is about right. Until it get's down to those sort of numbers, don't bottle.
As Adam suggested, a light shake of the fermenter and a bit more waiting will see the number's drop. If not it may be worth picking the temp up, this late in the brew won't bother it and may excite the yeast into action.
well i just took another reading 1.010 - 1.011, does this sound right? considering yesterday it was 1.020 its also a bit less cloudy and smells and tastes like beer, if i leave till next weekend will it reduce the sediment a bit.

sorry for the newbie questions
Check it tomorrow and the next day, if the reading is the same its done.

If you bottle the beer direct from the fermenter; before drinking them chill them standing upright for at least a day. Colder beer enables more yeast to come out of solution, which over time drops down to form sediment. Pour the beer into a glass from the bottle carefully to not disturb the sediment.
Hi all,
my first batch has been fermenting for 1 week now (coopers draught, 500g dex, 500g light dried malt extract) ive managed to keep it at a stable 20c with a fridge, i took a reading at the start 1.048 and again today 1.020 there doesnt seem to be any activity in the airlock i dont know if i should bottle tomorrow or wait another week, it looks like light orange juice ,not much like beer.
any help would be great


This link is worth a read.
you sure the OG was 1048? I used 1kg dex and 500g LDM and got 1046.....
you sure the OG was 1048? I used 1kg dex and 500g LDM and got 1046.....

depends on how much water you used, also check your hydrometer's in water, it should read 1.000 in water, were mine reads 1.002 in water, so sometimes hydro's can be out <_<
Here's a great brewing Podcast that I found. Has Info on beginning, intermediate, and advanced brewing, and is a great listen if your on a plane or just in the car. :)
Here's a great brewing Podcast that I found. Has Info on beginning, intermediate, and advanced brewing, and is a great listen if your on a plane or just in the car. :)

i checked the reading again and its 1.010-1.011 so i bottled a few, and i'll do the rest next weekend, i can see some sediment forming in the bottles now, so least i'll see (just for my own knowledge) the difference in the sediment between the two, i did check that first reading a number of times and was expecting 1.044, but it is, what it is
thanks for all the help everyone, and i'll post back with the end result

doesnt matter what time you bottle, it will always be cloudy when it first goes in.
It settles out the longer you leave the bottles without disturbing them.

Also the longer u chill them for the more the cloud breaks down and settles to the bottom. I used to drink my beer after 2 weeks now i leave them for at least 4 weeks,(ive cut back a bit lately so there around 8 weeks now)

when the fridge is getting low i stick the whole batch in there.and they clean up a lot better especially when nearing the end of the batch.

then i load it back up again.


p.s when u pour try not to tip the bottle back and forth to much coz it stirs the yeast up. Its good to pour 2 schooners so you get it all out in one pour without disturbance.

p.p.s look at getting kegs then u can drink in 2weeks from brew date if ya want
yeah, i was just thinking cause i bottled some beers, the tap might have infections, so when i do the rest of them on sunday it may turn them bad, i thought maybe i could mix some milton baby bottle wash in a spray bottle and spray the inside of the tap, could someone please confirm if this will work alright.

cheers :beer:

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