You have a robobrew, if it came with the pump then you can recirculate, and easily maintain temps. Only thing you really need to watch out for is starting the re circulation. (I'm assuming LHBS has milled your grain for you and the crush is good for redic)
So mash in and mix, break up any dough balls, then let it rest the grain will still be absorbing water (around 1L per kilo)
After around 10 mins start your re-circulation slowly, and gradually increase over the next 10-15mins.
Mash temps for your first brew aren't criticle your just trying to get a handle on the process and gear, say 64-66c for an hour.
Mash out, Baibers don't do one, MHB would tell you all the stuff that takes place at mash out with enzymes and such, but one of the biggest things that happens is the sugars are more liquid and more able to be filtered from the grain, so again if your recircing you can raise the temp to 76-78 for 15-20mins.
Sparge (rinsing the grain with clean water) temps are usually the same as mash out 2 methods:
Fly sparging is adding water to the mash (slowly) at the same rate and time as you drain it to the kettle.
Batch sparging is draining the kettle and then filling with sparge water then draining that to the kettle(you can recirc your sparge).
Then boil for 60-90 mins (LID OFF) and hops per timings from the end of the boil.
Chill and add yeast
End of the day you'll make beer, get the ferment right and you'll make good beer.
ED: sparge info is generic I do realise you'll be raising a malt pipe and probably rinsing in place, however if you drain the mash({first runnings}to a bucket or spare vessel) with malt pipe still in place and re fill with sparge water you can batch sparge these systems.