Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.
I'll be heading to Bunnings sometime this week.
I'll be heading to Bunnings sometime this week.
For the record, I have brewed many 8%+ 24 lt final volume BIAB batches with a 40 lt kettle without adding supplementary fermentables.
I had an 1.080 OG just last Sunday....before adding the candy syrup to the fermenter.
Hey mate, is that in a gas fired kettle or an urn? I think the limitation with the urn is its ability to boil something at 1.80?
Hey mate, is that in a gas fired kettle or an urn? I think the limitation with the urn is its ability to boil something at 1.80?
I started off with BIAB with my 40L crown urn, but then switched to a 36L round cooler setup with a RIMS system to recirculate
and keep the temperature of the wort. The reason why I switched was to recirculated the wort through the grain bed to achieve a clearer wort before boiling. The question is do you recirculate when you BIAB? Also with the drill that you have mentioned, can it be set to turn at low speed and have enough torque to turn the rollers when the grain hopper is full off grain?
Hi Guys
Apoligise for jumping on this thread, but I found all the information very useful and wanted to ask some questions due to your brewing experience.
I started off with BIAB with my 40L crown urn, but then switched to a 36L round cooler setup with a RIMS system to recirculate
and keep the temperature of the wort. The reason why I switched was to recirculated the wort through the grain bed to achieve a clearer wort before boiling. The question is do you recirculate when you BIAB? Also with the drill that you have mentioned, can it be set to turn at low speed and have enough torque to turn the rollers when the grain hopper is full off grain?
Second BIAB complete, another APA. Target for recipe was 23lt batch, 70% efficiency.
I ended up with 20.5lt into the no chill cube with 2.5lt trub loss. Volume was spot on, 23lt but gravity was better than expected with 1.056 instead of 1.046. This gives me a mash efficiency of 85% & a brewhause efficiency of 76%. I will have to adjust my recipes now to 75% efficiency. The brew day went perfectly without a hitch. BIAB in the urn is so easy & I am now sampling my first APA that has been bottled for two weeks, very, very nice beer. Like the last APA, I will have to dilute with about 4.2lt water to achieve my 1.046 starting gravity in the fermenter & again I will hop tea this one with 1g/lt of cascade hops.