Hi Guys,
Just spend a few hours visiting some of the LHBS around Brissie OK they were all shut, so I went down the coopers path again.
Bought that Mexican Coopers kit (got the Newest One) and plan to add the Brew Enhancer Mark 2 with 500 (or probally 1kg) or Dex to give it a bit of bite (like my beers strong) and I found (to me anyhow) a new product called:...
Brigalow Finishing Hops, Eh? can i use these with the Mexican coopers can? will it work?
Ok being rather skint I don't get a chance to go to many LHBS very often so Im now on the hunt for cheap and nasty things to pep up my kits.
Yeh I know Coopers, Flame me all you like, But believe it or not I Love beer!! Love it to death. But ya know what? I don't have a fav brand/Flavor! Being a cheapskate for the last few years Ive put up with VB cans and those "norwigian" type's that are pretty cheap. so yeahh I have No palate! not yet anyway.
So in the last brew (no 3 for me) I made up a Tooheys Special Lager with 1KG Brewing Sugar (Coopers) and 1khg of Brigalow Dex. but wait theres more to my partners horror I added 2 or 3 TB spoons of aldi Honey and a squirt or two of Goldern syrup, She thinks Im mad and the lot will taste like "warm camel piss" but hey why the hell not. Ill learn won't I! (It started at 1060 and is now 1010 and dropping whats the %?)
Now the first batch of coopers I made (lager) which came with the "box" came out okish. ok its only been down for 2 weeks, but its really nice and ***** on the "Norwegian" stuff (the only bottles I can recap so i got 2 cartons of em) It has a "soda water" aftertaste but hey I can dig it. (and cant freaking wait 6 weeks) and its bloody clear too
The second batch I made I went to a LHBS in Brisbane (about 1 hr's drive from me on the "north side")
He said "what kind of beer do you drink" while I was Umming and Arring the GF said "VB" before i could Utter a scream of distaste the man filled my arms with bags of potions and a kit and told the GF how to make it. Sod it I though, Yeah Ill make sodding VB! she thought it was "cool" to make a "Name Brand"
well it cost 32$ for the "ingredinats" and its been down only a week now Ive tasted a bottle and you know what? It does taste like shity VB. Well bugger me. Its all vegimity and **** (one of his Magic ingrediants in a teaspoon of vegimate, IE i put in 3) and its fuching clear, ahahhh
So Ok if im "forced" to use "coles, woolworths,Big Wubleyou, CrayMart) ***** in a tin (have you ever tried to get around brisbane without a License on Public Transport? Bring alll your dosh!)
what would be the better Tins to use, Or should I (as the GF recommends) Go to a LHBS and buy 3 odd tins with all his Potions and magic ****, and go back in 3 weeks (or more)
Here's a quick Question. Ive heard that Adding a lemon or lime in the bottom of the Fermenter will improve the watery coopery taste of thier "kit" (and mabey a chilli or two, Hey I eat em raw, hence my palate probs!)
Ive read that you can Add Lemon or Lime's (boiled) to the brew but should they be cut in quarters? Or squeezed for the juice? or could I use "lemon essence" It seams weird adding a lime or lemon and NOT cutting it up? what about Tobaco sauce? I love the stuff and go though 1-2 bottles a week. (losing weight by eating only canned soups with tobacco sause!)
Oh and the GF reports that i "should" be keeping my "kits" in the Salad part of the fridge (yeast an all) she recons that the Heat here in a regular Cupord in Brissie will "fry" the yeast and kill the "taste"
Oh is it normal to add another "brigalow" Yeast packet to the "mix". I thought It might be a good Idea
Blimey Nearly got a Coopers "euro Kit" and it stated for all the world to see
"drink after 12 weeks" Yeah right. mhaamhaaa (spongebob laugh)
Thanks guys for your wonderfull forum. I really really want to go AG (what the hell does that even stand for? My Inistals Adrian Gregg?) But wanna Kit it untill I can afford the stuff you need to grind up the hops etc.!
Rant Over. More Beer and 80's Emulated Arcade games......................................
(sorry for the spelling)
Just spend a few hours visiting some of the LHBS around Brissie OK they were all shut, so I went down the coopers path again.
Bought that Mexican Coopers kit (got the Newest One) and plan to add the Brew Enhancer Mark 2 with 500 (or probally 1kg) or Dex to give it a bit of bite (like my beers strong) and I found (to me anyhow) a new product called:...
Brigalow Finishing Hops, Eh? can i use these with the Mexican coopers can? will it work?
Ok being rather skint I don't get a chance to go to many LHBS very often so Im now on the hunt for cheap and nasty things to pep up my kits.
Yeh I know Coopers, Flame me all you like, But believe it or not I Love beer!! Love it to death. But ya know what? I don't have a fav brand/Flavor! Being a cheapskate for the last few years Ive put up with VB cans and those "norwigian" type's that are pretty cheap. so yeahh I have No palate! not yet anyway.
So in the last brew (no 3 for me) I made up a Tooheys Special Lager with 1KG Brewing Sugar (Coopers) and 1khg of Brigalow Dex. but wait theres more to my partners horror I added 2 or 3 TB spoons of aldi Honey and a squirt or two of Goldern syrup, She thinks Im mad and the lot will taste like "warm camel piss" but hey why the hell not. Ill learn won't I! (It started at 1060 and is now 1010 and dropping whats the %?)
Now the first batch of coopers I made (lager) which came with the "box" came out okish. ok its only been down for 2 weeks, but its really nice and ***** on the "Norwegian" stuff (the only bottles I can recap so i got 2 cartons of em) It has a "soda water" aftertaste but hey I can dig it. (and cant freaking wait 6 weeks) and its bloody clear too
The second batch I made I went to a LHBS in Brisbane (about 1 hr's drive from me on the "north side")
He said "what kind of beer do you drink" while I was Umming and Arring the GF said "VB" before i could Utter a scream of distaste the man filled my arms with bags of potions and a kit and told the GF how to make it. Sod it I though, Yeah Ill make sodding VB! she thought it was "cool" to make a "Name Brand"
well it cost 32$ for the "ingredinats" and its been down only a week now Ive tasted a bottle and you know what? It does taste like shity VB. Well bugger me. Its all vegimity and **** (one of his Magic ingrediants in a teaspoon of vegimate, IE i put in 3) and its fuching clear, ahahhh
So Ok if im "forced" to use "coles, woolworths,Big Wubleyou, CrayMart) ***** in a tin (have you ever tried to get around brisbane without a License on Public Transport? Bring alll your dosh!)
what would be the better Tins to use, Or should I (as the GF recommends) Go to a LHBS and buy 3 odd tins with all his Potions and magic ****, and go back in 3 weeks (or more)
Here's a quick Question. Ive heard that Adding a lemon or lime in the bottom of the Fermenter will improve the watery coopery taste of thier "kit" (and mabey a chilli or two, Hey I eat em raw, hence my palate probs!)
Ive read that you can Add Lemon or Lime's (boiled) to the brew but should they be cut in quarters? Or squeezed for the juice? or could I use "lemon essence" It seams weird adding a lime or lemon and NOT cutting it up? what about Tobaco sauce? I love the stuff and go though 1-2 bottles a week. (losing weight by eating only canned soups with tobacco sause!)
Oh and the GF reports that i "should" be keeping my "kits" in the Salad part of the fridge (yeast an all) she recons that the Heat here in a regular Cupord in Brissie will "fry" the yeast and kill the "taste"
Oh is it normal to add another "brigalow" Yeast packet to the "mix". I thought It might be a good Idea
Blimey Nearly got a Coopers "euro Kit" and it stated for all the world to see
"drink after 12 weeks" Yeah right. mhaamhaaa (spongebob laugh)
Thanks guys for your wonderfull forum. I really really want to go AG (what the hell does that even stand for? My Inistals Adrian Gregg?) But wanna Kit it untill I can afford the stuff you need to grind up the hops etc.!
Rant Over. More Beer and 80's Emulated Arcade games......................................
(sorry for the spelling)