I finally decided to go with a 15L batch to make things easier
These are the ingredients.
1.50kg Organic Pale Ale Malt
1.50kg Torrified Wheat
.18kg Flaked oats
28.35g Fuggles Hops at 60min
.60g Crushed Coriander seed
1 pkg Belgian Witbier (Wyeast Labs 3944)
I added .9kg of Raw hard wheat for good measure but I don't think I got any SG points out of it since I avoided the multi-step mash and didn't crush the grains. Did a protein rest at 54.4C for 20 min then 65.6C for 75 min. No mashout.
Everything went pretty smooth and from my calculations I got about 65% efficiency though I missed my target gravity by .02 points. I squeezed the bag as hard as I could. Also couldn't find any last minute bitter orange peel so I had to do without it. I put enough hops in to be on the high side (20 IBU) for the style to compensate. I'll let you know how it turns out.
These are the ingredients.
1.50kg Organic Pale Ale Malt
1.50kg Torrified Wheat
.18kg Flaked oats
28.35g Fuggles Hops at 60min
.60g Crushed Coriander seed
1 pkg Belgian Witbier (Wyeast Labs 3944)
I added .9kg of Raw hard wheat for good measure but I don't think I got any SG points out of it since I avoided the multi-step mash and didn't crush the grains. Did a protein rest at 54.4C for 20 min then 65.6C for 75 min. No mashout.
Everything went pretty smooth and from my calculations I got about 65% efficiency though I missed my target gravity by .02 points. I squeezed the bag as hard as I could. Also couldn't find any last minute bitter orange peel so I had to do without it. I put enough hops in to be on the high side (20 IBU) for the style to compensate. I'll let you know how it turns out.