Final Gravity 1.020. Should I Keg It?

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Gday guys

Last Sunday I put down a JS amber ale clone (1st attempt). I used a few different grains (6kg in total) i.e JW pale ale as a base malt, some dark crystal, light crystal, some amber and some carapils.
Mashed at 65 deg C

My pitching OG came in at 1.060

I pitch a Safale S04 dried yeast.

It fermented very rapidly and aggressively for around 48hrs then it started to die down.

Anyway, It has now been 4.5 days only since fermentation began and it appears to have ceased completely. I have taken 3 consecutve SG readings over the past 3 days, Tuesday evening wednesday evening and tonight. The Sg has remained at a constant 1.020. I have increased the temperature over the past 24 hours from 18 deg - 24 degrees and shaken the fermenter a couple of times and still, nothing??

Should I keg it or wait longer?, Does my SG seem too high? Should fermentation last longer for this yeast strain? Should I chuck in another yeast??

I have checked out the info on fermentis website and nothing really answers my questions except the fact that it is a "medium range" fermenting yeast. I assume they are talking about attentuation??

Any help appreciated
Sounds to my limited knowledge that it hasn't finished fermenting, taste it and if it seems fine keg away, no exploding to worry about. I would get in there with a big sanitized spoon and give it a good stir...
65% attenuation, Keg it! Average att for S-04 = 73% given that you have dark crystal, light crystal and carapils in there I'd say it's done.
Just finished kegging. Absolutely no sign of fermentation present in liquid. Tastes very bloody nice. I think it is all good. Currently chilling for filtering tomorrow night.

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