Filtered Water

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I always filter my water before adding to any brew. Dose unfiltered water have a detrimetal taste? My wife has also just made her first brew from ingredients that she selected herself. Do your wives/girlfriends get involved?
i live in darwin and the water up here is nice.. no chemicals at all
so zilch to the filter
same here in the mountains when it comes out the tap its cold and fresh just like cold filtered water out of the bottle.

and nah i wouldnt let my misus anywhere near my brewing gear incase she dont clean it or sterilze it as good as i what i do. She is also not even allowed to clean my beer glasses for the same reason :D

im not saying she wouldnt do a good job but if i do it, i know its done right.

cheers kingy
The council or government who ever is in charge of your wate MUST by law ad chlorine to the water suply to kill any nasties that get through the filters at the water treatment plant. depending on the type of chlorine your council uses (gas 100%) (or hypeo which is only 10%) if gass you can fill a 25 litre container (cube) the day before your brew and sit it in the sun for a few hours, this will eveporate help the chloring and help your brew beter ferment, yeate and chlorine DO NOT MIX very well at all,

If they use Calcium hypochlorite (pool chlorine) it is beter to boil the water the day before and let it cool in a cube (its a lot of work i know) my local council use gas (i know cause i work there and i am i water treatment plant operator)

thats what i do anyway just sit it in a cube with the lid just a bit loose for 24hrs to let the cl2 gass eveporate but to be honest the best beers i have ever made are from bottled water like neverfail, nut then the price of your brew goes up.

anyway thats my opinion :)
I use only tap water, don't have a filter and havn't been bothered to boil and store. However I do now have another two drums I got from Bunnings so maybe I will try it out, but I havn't noticed any really bad tastes, who knows maybe my brews will taste even better...
Our tap water is pretty good so have never used filtered. My beer always turns out tasting great.
What area are you from dunny, and whats the water quality like?
I'm from Perth, and the tap water isn't all that great (in my area anyway) so I use filtered or spring water.. Although I can't really tell the difference between my first batch which was made with tap water, and the others :|

I feel better about it though :p

Tried to get my gf involved twice, but she got bored..
All my water for my brewing is filtered. dunno why just always dunnit.
Use medical quality water for irrigation for my sanitiser solution in the spray bottle, cause its pure I know it will last. Mrs frogman used to brew a good honey lager however now she is with tadpole, currently not drinking or brewing.

In Canberra the water is good to drink straight out of the tap, so first 10 or so brews no filtering, then I though I might try it, so filtered 3 brews and there may have been a taste difference but that could have just be my mind. Anyway gone back to unfiltered as it is too much hassle to filter.

Although may yet turn around again, luckily as I said in Canberra the water is damn good.

Sorry for sitting on the fence...... :unsure:

