Filter Question

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Sorry about all the Noob questions.

I finally stumbled upon the right filter element for my filter at my local pump shop - US made pleated 1 micron absolute, and the flow rate through the filter is now better than 1 litre a minute with water :)

So I have a brew coming off the fermenter tomorrow and I thought I'd christen the filter. Now, how people sanitise the filter?

I could run StanSan through it but that would mean a lot would remain in the filter. Alternatively I can disassemble, rinse all the parts in StarSan including tubing, and soak the filter element in StarSan as well. Let the whole lot drain so there's not a lot of liquid left, then reassemble and filter?

What are your thoughts?

After cleaning my filter cartridge with hot napisan or PBW, I'll again soak in starsan solution over night. Then just empty and let it air dry. Before using the filter I'll give it a quick spray with starsan before purging the while system with co2. Works pretty well, never had an infection from this and minimize the amount of starsan getting into the finished beer.
Purge with CO2 - forgot that bit!

OK - I'll try with the next brew.

My method is to fill the canister with starsan or whatever no-rinse sanitiser of choice, & let stand for the prescribed contact time.
Push sanitiser out with co2.
Shut in beer out side of filter & bring beer into filter housing whilst venting co2 from purge valve (assuming you filter has this).
Once full open beer out & let the 1st litre run off to waste. Colour is a fairly good indicator to when you have run off residual sanitiser or
you can check your runoff SG.
Then hook up to sanitised & co2 purged keg beer out post & fill keg (venting PRV).

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