Fg Reading Strange...is It Correct

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gidday brewers, need some advice...made the following recipe...it was my first attempt at a real lager

coopers european lager
1kg b/e 2
250g ldme

25g saaz hops boiled for 10mins in 1.5l water and 150g ldme.. mixed reamining ldme in after boil and BE 2 and mixed with tin in fermenter.. filled to 23l with cold water and pitched ONE packet of s-23 yeast at 17deg. Put into fermenting fridge which was set at 12 deg and has been in there for 4 weeks now...wasnt until i went to pitch yeast that i read on packet if pitching at temps 9-15 should use TWO packets and at room temp pitch one. Took reading of wort and first reading was 1055 which i thought was high so took another and got 1040. took these with hydrometer and refractometer..after two weeks reading was at 1026 after 3 weeks was at 1023. took a small amount of wort and put in sterilized jar with cling film lid and sat on kitchen bench and swirled around 3 times a day in 24-26 deg temps to see if reading would come down...after 3 days had only come down to 1020...the last three days have taking reading from fermenter( which i had slowly raised the temp over a couple of days to 15 deg) and it has stayed at 1020...it is now 4 weeks since yeast was pitched. Am planning on bottling tomorrow but was wondering if this is a good idea as was expecting FG to be around 1010 mark. can anyone explain why it hasnt reached this mark, my thinking is because i didnt pitch two packets of yeast and yeast has struggled to eat all the fermentables...
Are you takin your readings with a refractometer or hydrometer?
If with a refractometer are you adjusting the reading for alcohol using a formula or software?
Are you takin your readings with a refractometer or hydrometer?
If with a refractometer are you adjusting the reading for alcohol using a formula or software?

PET Bottles to be safe. think seriously about whether you prime the bottles - if you do, a half prime at most. If its stuck the yeast is going to kick back in when you bottle it.

Should be ok.... Use glass at own risk (well that and any small children, animals, wives walking past etc)
the refractometer i am using has hydrometer readings on the gauge...so no need for formula..
the refractometer i am using has hydrometer readings on the gauge...so no need for formula..

Your refractometer might have readings in both units, but once you have started fermenting your refractometer reading needs to be adjusted for the alcohol in your beer (it doesn't refract light as unfermented wort would).

have just googled refractometer and discovered that my reading is not 1020...as the alcohol in the liquid effects the reading....i fell like i right fool...hahaa
have just googled refractometer and discovered that my reading is not 1020...as the alcohol in the liquid effects the reading....i fell like i right fool...hahaa

I think we all had the same problem first time using a refractometer. That's how we learn!

Glad you've got it sorted now though.

have just googled refractometer and discovered that my reading is not 1020...as the alcohol in the liquid effects the reading....i fell like i right fool...hahaa
No need to feel bad, plenty more have made the same error.
Glad I was able to help you resolve your issue.

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