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I use the pails/buckets mainly Jino.

Good to know. I thought other people must know something i didn't! I prefer them over the screw top ones.

You must just have to be special and live in Newie to use them!
If you could get 30 litre pail/bucket type fermentors I'd use them too... But the 10litres of headspace you get with a screw type fermentor is essential when you get a good krausen head

Asher for now
I'm a pail with snap lock lid convert.
I had the the screw top ones. I have two of them and rarely use them. I find them harder to clean due to the narrower opening and hand indentations. Sealing them I find a problem too and when you fermenter is a freezer with no airflow a seal minimises the chance of any nasties.

I guess I am not the norm in Newcastle. I have 3 screw top fermenters.
I'm in the glass carboy camp despite the detractors.

Been using two of them for the last five years and still haven't broken one (knock on wood). :)

Come very close on the odd occasion though.

Warren -
I'd like a few Carboys, but haven't lashed out on them yet.

I've got one screw top fermenter, but don't really use it anymore. The pails do the trick and are a lot easier to clean etc.

Awwww... C'mon Shawn. Newcastle boys should use steel ones. :D

Warren -
I was going to buy a glass carboy yesterday actually but i thought i'd wait til i had a bit more room. My luck i would smash it the first time i used it!
They do look pretty cool though.
Actually on the topis of glass carboys, doe anyone know of any where that would sell large glass bottles? Say around 10 litres?? I have been looking and can't find one anywhere.

Try your local HB store or winemaking suppliers.

Warren -
I have tried 3 HB shops and none of them had them. I don't know of any wine supplies shops around here but that sounds like a good start.

Surely there would be one around newcastle somewhere.
I mustn't quite fit the typical newcastle mold either. Maybe because I come from teh other side of teh lake (west). I've got a 25 and 30l screw top and a glass fermentor (which I mainly use for secondaries) Means I can rotate 2 brew through when the need arises. Would really love one of the bigger glass ones the yankies use for a primary but haven't seen anyone in australia advertise them.
I have toyed with welding up a stainless conical one.... now that would be nice. Instead I will keep dreaming for the mean time.

Jino- the HBS at Charlestown had 12ish litre glass carboys last I was in there (about 6 months ago) and also the 5 litre demijohns. I'm sure any of the stores in newcastle could order one in if you were desperate. I think the 12ish one was still 40 or bucks.


One of those huge glass carboys would be awesome! But a normal sized one would do for now.

Last time i was at the charlestown shop i didn't see any, but i will drop in on the way home and see. $40 bucks is a bit rich though.
Expensive -Yes but it did have the nice big square pattens on the side. Considering theres not that much more glass in the 23litre ones than the 12ish litre one mentioned, they are about as expensive as the 23l ones. Mine cost me 55 plus bungs etc but the small one would be handy for half batches. Just don't let the guy there talk you into a dodgy bung. All the ones I ever saw there were old, hard and brittle looking and the one he sold me (when I was none the wiser) would need pressing in with a 10 ton press. I bough another elsewhere.

BTW if you do get one, and assuming you have never used one before. Always fit the airlock in the bung before puting in the carboy. I found out the hardway by trying to push an airlock into the bung already in the carboy. Had to fish the bung out of a carboy full of brown ale with heavy wire. Not happy jan. Hard enough to get a grip on a bung, let alone when you can't see it.

Good luck

For the price difference i would just buy the 23ltr one. I just thought they would be handy for half batches (as you said) if i could get one cheap enough. Did you buy one from Cahrlestown for $55? Thats not a bad price. I think Marks are more expensive then that.

Thanks for the tip i will be sure to put it in before i insert the bung when i do get one! Did you eventually get ti out?!

warrenlw63 said:
Awwww... C'mon Shawn. Newcastle boys should use steel ones. :D

Warren -

The steel ones are just training fermenters up here. We just use them until we progress to lead. Gives our beers that extra 'kick' if you know what I mean :p


Edit: spelling
Yep, after a lot of frustration it did come out and the beer seemd to turn out OK too. Yep I got mine there but would buy the next one elsewhere on principal after he basically suggested I was a fool for buying one and then thanked me (sarcastically) for helping to pay his mortgage on the way out the door. But I s'pose it comes back to the old argument of getting the best price or supporting a good store that gives you service and 'sound' advice.


Borret said:
Yep, after a lot of frustration it did come out and the beer seemd to turn out OK too. Yep I got mine there but would buy the next one elsewhere on principal after he basically suggested I was a fool for buying one and then thanked me (sarcastically) for helping to pay his mortgage on the way out the door. But I s'pose it comes back to the old argument of getting the best price or supporting a good store that gives you service and 'sound' advice.



Why doesn't that story surprise me... He's an odd bloke.

Gough said:
The steel ones are just training fermenters up here. We just use them until we progress to lead. Gives our beers that extra 'kick' if you know what I mean :p

Mmmmm Lead :rolleyes: I like a couple mls of antimony in mine for it's preservative qualities. :lol:

Warren -