Fermenter Leaves 2-3 Ltrs Below Tap, Do You Tilt

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Hi Guys,

last satdy night I did my bottling (last one kegs on the way).

I did a bulk prime between 2 fermenters and noticed there is about 2 or 3 ltrs below the tap, do yo tilt to get the fluid or leave it in so it keeps a little of the sediment seperate ?


im a tilter. im not wasting any of my precious amber fluid. some will disagree. actually therre was recently an AG thread on do you tilt your kettle to get every last drop out.

A little of the trub from the bottom is fine as its extra yeast etcf for carbonation. esp if your doing lagers it good to have a little bit to make sure your bottles get some yeast in them to allow for carbonation
Hi Guys,

last satdy night I did my bottling (last one kegs on the way).

I did a bulk prime between 2 fermenters and noticed there is about 2 or 3 ltrs below the tap, do yo tilt to get the fluid or leave it in so it keeps a little of the sediment seperate ?


yes, you could tilt to get some of it but you will have to leave at least a litre.

I personally pickup most of it in two or three stubbies, put them in the fridge for a few days. Then transfer them to new clean bottles, leaving the sediment behind, and prime them with one teaspoon of sugar each. Not sure if it is recommended if you use finings.

edit, beaten..anyway to clarify, I carefully tilt to leave only about 1litre in the fermenter and then fill the three bottles with that ( 330ml x 3 = 990ml) It depends on how much cake is there.
I keg and tilt until the keg is full or until I've got most of the clear stuff out. Crash chilling means there's clear beer and trub and not much in between. The beer just slides off the crap and leaves the crap behind. If I see the trub getting anywhere near the tap opening I stop. If I see it remixing with the beer I stop.
Yep, I'm a tilter as well. Can't waste any of that liquid gold
+5 to tilting for sure.

(Although nowadays when I keg, once the keg is full I sometimes ditch the rest! :ph34r: )

Cant be naffed bottling usually...
+5 to tilting for sure.

(Although nowadays when I keg, once the keg is full I sometimes ditch the rest! :ph34r: )

Cant be naffed bottling usually...

I have to admit to doing this once or twice. But I do get the missus to give me 5 lashing for it :D
I don't tilt when I transfer to my bulk priming vessel, the primary remains as undisturbed as possible for this. I leave a litre behind for 3x330 dregs which get a carbonation drop each. I'm thinking I might even stir it all up before I tilt and use these for yeast culturing instead of tasters in the future.
When it comes to bottling from my bulk priming vessel I tilt then pick it up and get every last little drop of precious, delicious, wonderful liquid I possibly can. Last batch I wasted about 20mls, I doubt I can improve on that though.
im usually taking a decent amount of the trub/yeatcake anyway for reuse in the next batch. so it doesnt bother me too much.
I have never saved up what's left over after filling the keg.

The only time I ever have anything substantial leftover is when I've made a cheap kit and forgotten that it'll have significantly less trub than a partial mash, and top it up to the usual 21L I use for partial mashes.

Who really cares about a bit of wasted kit beer that you'd have to drink from a bottle and not from a keg? And who can be bothered priming and all that? Not me!
I always brew to 22 L with the vision of

- 2 L of trub loss after a crash chill.
- >1L of Testing wort, SG, tasting etc.
- 1 L buffer.

The leftover 18L goes straight into a keg. Now that im filtering beers, this also allows for some loss in the filter as im doing it via gravity from the fermenter.
I tilt by putting a piece of wood under one side of the fermenter.I get 30 740ml bottles out of a 23 litre brew without sediment drifting into bottle 30.
Guilty as charged. :lol:

I really should bottle the leftover bits... kegging makes it easy to become lazy in that respect!

Me too mate, I even bought heaps of those 500ml PET bottles so I don't really have an excuse for not keeping it.
I use to bottle the left overs or the first 2 to 4 longnecks prior to kegging the rest, I would usually get about 17-18 litres in the keg. Now I brew to get 19litres in the keg and have about a 500 ml left which I sacrifice to the beer gods

i usually have 24 or 25 litres in the fermenter, after i fill the keg i bottle every drop i can get, then i swirl the cake around and get two stubbies of yeast cake for the next two brews i do. yes im a tight arse.
i usually have 24 or 25 litres in the fermenter, after i fill the keg i bottle every drop i can get, then i swirl the cake around and get two stubbies of yeast cake for the next two brews i do. yes im a tight arse.

just curious, how many times can you do this with the same yeast? do you rinse them to remove the alcohol / hop / finings sediments if you keep them in the fridge for some time?