Fermenter Leaves 2-3 Ltrs Below Tap, Do You Tilt

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Jonez, i will do this once or twice with the yeast, no i dont wash it but i do use it fairly quickly, usually within a week or two. been doing this for months and had no problems so far.
I am normally doing about 56ltr partial/extract brews (all boiled hops now going into primary...unfiltered...first time :unsure: )...fermenter is tilted so trub falls away from tap...gelatine 48hrs before bottling...when bottling I transfer to two clean 25ltr fermenters (from bunnings) each with the required amount of dex (syrup) for bulk priming...the last 4 or 5 ltrs from the primary goes straight into bottles with carb drops...only the last one or possibly two bottles have lots of sediment...yes I tilt. Culturing the yeast cake will be the next task I need to attempt.