Feral Hop Hog gone bad

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O'Henry said:
What a joke on the shelf life from Woolies. That **** is why they should not be selling beer. 6 months is more realistic for most craft beer, and even that is generous. Fresh is Best. /rant
For sure man. I'd love to see more breweries take a tip from Stone.. most of their beers have best before date only 3 months after bottling. Not that woolcoles would pay any attention to it :(
Feral are a small brewery who attempt to meet the national demand for their product, we are in the height of summer and they are one of the only breweries who insist on refridgerated shipping.

Small breweries who package need to be taken in context. They will not give you Asahi's or AB's level of quality control, but few will.

The only way you can really judge these kinds of things is when you have it available fresh on draught. Otherwise your issues are with the packaging that you probably helped create the demand for.

Yes, Hop Hog varies somewhat fresh off draught, but it is a beer made in relatively small volumes, using powerful ingredients. If you scratch your nut sack before adding that whirlpool addition, it probably changes the flavour enough for people to notice. I appreciate the variation and continue my support, likewise there are flavours which are indicative of poor storage/transit, and they must also be viewed in context.

We all want 3 month BBE dates on bottles, but it requires a far more advanced market than what we have. Perhaps I will be drinking beer that fresh in my autopiloted car whilst chatting about Astro's space rash to my wife Judy.
Last I heard there nearly was a court battle going on there at Ferral
Money issues some people talking liberties (money)
I believe it got settled, now the beers off struth
The hop hog with the rye hit loved it there for a while hard to drink a lot of it though a great starter as you cruise through the bottle o
The more choise the better off we are.
Bring on the affordable english bitter in oz I say
The tastings I had at GABF were fantastic, of which there were many.. In fact, toward the end we just gave them all our tokens and propped at the stall :)

Love those guys ;)
The first time I tried Hop Hog was at the Spieglau Glasses tasting at Queensland Homebrewing Conference. It was ******* superb. Next time I had it was on tap at a bar down Gold Coast. Yeast hadn't settled out properly and I was really unimpressed. Certainly wasn't the beer I'd had at qhc.

Have had the odd bottle since then. It's been OK. Nothing more. Currently, the missus has me on a 1 beer a week regime (hopefully almost done with that). Managed to sneak one at lunch today and saved myself this week for the Double Bastard from Stone Brewing, which I've not long finished (Wow! Rediculously piney/resiny). Well, SWMBO has gone to bed, so I've managed to sneak in a Hop Hog (am thinking I might sneak a few more beers yet). Anyway, I digress. I could only describe the aroma and flavour of this bottle as used motor oil, 24 months since last change, sitting in water for 6 months. It really is putrid. Truth is, I bought it before I went away at Christmas (that Pagan holiday the Christians stole and repurposed to suit their ideals), so it was sitting in the fridge for near 3 months. Anyway I conclude... It really is a beer best drank fresh, but not from a keg.

"Ye Shall Know the Bastard, and the Bastard Shall Set You Free"
Walked into BWS at my local Woolies and they had em in stock. $19 for a 4 pack. First time I have tried, but thought it was a great beer! My mrs. also had a sip and loved it and the only beer she drinks is Leffe Blond, everything else she reckons sucks.

Getting her beer buds I reckon :D
Of all the IPA I've sampled over the years, Lobethal Bierhaus IIPA and Feral Hop Hog are hands down clear favourites. And availability of the hog means it's been my "go to" IPA whenever I get the chance.
I had a pint of the hog at Young & Jacksons on a recent Melbourne visit - it's not the same.
I can't fault it - it's still a delicious brew, but it didn't have the same "peel your tongue from the roof of your mouth" sticky resinous mouthfeel I was accustomed to.
Loved em! As good as they ever were! That first inhale & sip ... awww man, that's heaven!

Nice one man. That's the new label. Still see the old one around. When they're fresh, its a great beer.
Went to grab last of my 4 pack out of the fridge and SWMBO has already cracked it and it's on the bench with a few mouthfuls gone, what the heck! Testament to the fact that we're both lovin' em!
It's a damn tasty beer. I need to get my hands on the new bottle for my collection.