The first time I tried Hop Hog was at the Spieglau Glasses tasting at Queensland Homebrewing Conference. It was ******* superb. Next time I had it was on tap at a bar down Gold Coast. Yeast hadn't settled out properly and I was really unimpressed. Certainly wasn't the beer I'd had at qhc.
Have had the odd bottle since then. It's been OK. Nothing more. Currently, the missus has me on a 1 beer a week regime (hopefully almost done with that). Managed to sneak one at lunch today and saved myself this week for the Double Bastard from Stone Brewing, which I've not long finished (Wow! Rediculously piney/resiny). Well, SWMBO has gone to bed, so I've managed to sneak in a Hop Hog (am thinking I might sneak a few more beers yet). Anyway, I digress. I could only describe the aroma and flavour of this bottle as used motor oil, 24 months since last change, sitting in water for 6 months. It really is putrid. Truth is, I bought it before I went away at Christmas (that Pagan holiday the Christians stole and repurposed to suit their ideals), so it was sitting in the fridge for near 3 months. Anyway I conclude... It really is a beer best drank fresh, but not from a keg.
"Ye Shall Know the Bastard, and the Bastard Shall Set You Free"