Extreme Beers

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Just flicking through the Nov/Dec Zymurgy and Sam has an article in there on Extreme Lagers. He's really covered the magazine publications up to the launch of the book.
Did anyone pre-order it, already got it ? Good reference/inspiration material ?

An interesting first review on Amazon.
I just received this book yesterday and was disappointed by the content. Sam recruited some of the biggest and hottest names in craft brewing to contribute. Oliver Garrett, Michael Jackson, Vinnie from Russian River, and many more either contirbute a recipe or essay. However, most of these contributions are minimal and not as in depth as their personal publications. Issues such as brewing with spices and wood aging are discussed but in too little detail to really learn much.

The beginning of the book covers brewing for the very beginner. Other books cover this much better. I think a beginning non-technical brewer would do better with the Joy of Homebrewing while more studious brewers should get John Palmer's book. Food and beer pairing is covered but Oliver Garrett's book is better.

As for the extreme brewing aspects I would rather spend my money on Radical Brewing by Randy Mosher. It allows for your independent experiments and is much more educational.

Sam is beginning to show his hand as a marketing type who brews beers that are unique but just different instead of good. The book is set up to also sell homebrew kits designed to parallel the book. Look elsewhere for your brewing education. I was left with the thought of "Where's the Beef?" with this one.


Edit: Amazon review
What is the verdict ?
A few more reviews on Amazon, and I'm wondering if I should add it to the Xmas Present list.

Just scored it!
Looking great so far. Can't wait to get my eyes into it :)

I have read a few reviews (I thought it was in BYO, but I can't find them again) stating that the book was a cynical marketing exercise for Sam's recipe kits.
More investigation is required, before I'd buy this book.

Then again, Sam's book doesn't appeal too much to me at the moment. I'm patient and can wait for other people to road-test the book before I buy it.

IMO, Check some other forums for input, before U splash the cash.


looks: 8/10 good photos and layout
metric equivalents: yes!
extract recipes: yes
AG recipes: unless I'm reading it wrong, NO!
I'm sure I'll glean some knowledge from it about brewing beers with fruits etc. but for the experienced AG brewer, I'd say a waste of money. :(
For the extract brewer, worth the $. BYO can opener :(
i saw the book in dymocks on george street and had a quick flick through. it looked ok but $45 is abit much.
go and have a look and make up your own mind. they had several copies.