Extreme Beers

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Listening to The Brewing Network show earlier in the week where their guest was Vinnie from Russian River and he was saying that he is off to Belgium next month with Sam Calagione from Dogfish Head and a number of other brewers for a Pilgramige to Belgium.
This will form a section in Sam's new book called Extreme beers.
Sounds like it will be a great book.
Wish I could tag along for the trip.


Edit: Spelling
ditto here doc
however i dont think the future americanization re hop over loading of belgian beers will win too many fans.
however there is some usa talent there so will be very interesting to see what they come up with.

big d
well there ya go.
top article malnourished.

big d
There is a date for Sam's new book now. According to Amazon 1 Nov 06.
Amazon link here

Extreme Brewing : An Enthusiast's Guide to Brewing Unique Craft Beer at Home (Paperback)
Book Description
Extreme Brewing is a recipe-driven resource for aspiring home brewers who are interested in recreating these specialty beers at home, but dont have the time to learn the in-depth science and lore behind home-brewing. As such, all recipes are malt-syrup based (the simplest brewing method) with variations for partial-grain brewing. While recipes are included for classic beer styles ales and lagers -- Extreme Brewing has a unique emphasis on hybrid styles that use fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices to create unique flavor combinations. Once their brew is complete, readers can turn to section three, The Rewards of Your Labor, to receive guidance on presentation, including corking, bottle selection and labeling as well as detailed information on food pairings, including recipes for beer infused dishes and fun ideas for themed dinners that tallow the reader to share their creations with family and friends.

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Got the Sept BYO mag today and there are 5 recipes in it from Sams new book. Interesting use of Kiwifruit, peppercorns, and an abundant supply of cane and demerara sugar.

Jeez i gotta get back into buying these magazines.Interesting quote on what they are using as additives Doc so its got me wondering if maybe we should have our own unique aussie section on AHB for those of us who are adventurous brewers and dont mind pushing the bounds of normal brewing.By this i mean additives and out of the norm hopping regimes that some of us hopheads love.
Probably about time we stopped following the american ideas and started pushing our own brewing boundaries for a change.
Thoughts anyone.
Maybe also time a few of us nutted our collective heads together and come up with some annual brewing awards of sorts.

Big D
Dig D,

Sure JM would be in on that.

Big spiced lager comes to mind.


Hi Darren
You have just stepped over the mark.Spiced lager was the last thing i needed reminding of.I no it is an extreme beer of sorts(i have been in the shop and tasted it and survived to tell the tale)however it is not exactly what i was thinking of for the aussie version.Maybe your extreme beer from the last S.A comp would be more an addition to the forum section im thinking of. :p (just wish i could think of what it was.im sure someone will remind me) :lol:

Sort of wishing the Old Tom was still around at times.

Big D
Was a year old kriek Big D. Give it three and lets see what happens.

You entering SABSOSA this year?


I would love to Darren but with my move to Perth looming and my deliberate winding down of my malt supplies and yeast bank its looking as if the next comp i enter will be on the safe side of 07.

Hopefully the WA slackers can get around to organising there own comp by then 888)


Darren Darren Darren
Fighting words indeed.I must stand up for the sand people because im becoming one of them.(I LOVE SAND I LOVE SAND I LOVE SAND ETC and beer of course and sunshine and) From what i know they have a very active home brew club and i believe they are moving towards getting a sanctioned competition for australian title requirements.
Could be wrong but.


west oz of course
Only one good brewer in WA and that is Asher. Hope to see a few more WA contenders this year in SA (where we eat CROWS).

Maybe next year you WA guys may get beyond eating sand.


You are really trying to stir the pot Darren.Ive looked over the online users at the moment and you are looking safe.Think they are all travelling home from work.

D :ph34r:
I met Vinne and Sam on their trip, as they were at Cantillon for the open brewing day. They bought along several of there beers for everyone to try. Very friendly people.

I'll be picking up the book as soon as it's available!
ditto here doc
however i dont think the future americanization re hop over loading of belgian beers will win too many fans.
however there is some usa talent there so will be very interesting to see what they come up with.

big d

Quite the opposite!!

They're really getting into it too. Achouffe Houblon is just one example, but theres many others playing around with it at the moment.

Even Cantillon are trying brewing lambics with Cascade and other american hops! I tried a cascade dry hopped lambic when I was there last.
Evolution is what brewing is all about otherwise we'd still be drinking unhopped ale made with gruit or some kind of sour sorgum brew made with spit.
Has anyone done any extreme beers?
Insane ammounts of hopping is as far as I have ventured into this territory but the thing is how drinkable are these extreme brews?
"Extreme Brewing is a recipe-driven resource for aspiring home brewers who are interested in recreating these specialty beers at home, but dont have the time to learn the in-depth science and lore behind home-brewing. As such, all recipes are malt-syrup based (the simplest brewing method) with variations for partial-grain brewing."

From the Amazon blurb to the book. Does this mean an all grain version would be even more extreme :blink: ???

I always thought I had joined the lunatic fringe when I went all grain ;) .
Very close to being released. The Nov BYO mag arrived today and has a half page ad for it.

Also from here
Extreme Brewing
An Enthusiast's Guide to Brewing Craft Beer at Home
Sam Calagione

Extreme Brewing is a recipe-driven resource for aspiring home brewers who are interested in recreating these specialty beers at home, but don't have the time to learn the in-depth science and lore behind home-brewing. As such, all recipes are malt-syrup based (the simplest brewing method) with variations for partial-grain brewing. While recipes are included for classic beer styles -- ales and lagers -- Extreme Brewing has a unique emphasis on hybrid styles that use fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices to create unique flavor combinations. Once their brew is complete, readers can turn to section three, The Rewards of Your Labor, to receive guidance on presentation, including corking, bottle selection and labeling as well as detailed information on food pairings, including recipes for beer infused dishes and fun ideas for themed dinners that tallow the reader to share their creations with family and friends.
