Extract Recipe For Japanese Style Lager

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Hi all

Im looking to do a 12L extract japanese lager and need a bit of advice. The current recipe is:

500g LDME
300g Rice Malt
300g Dexrose
100g Maltodextrin
Bittered with Galena to about 20-23 IBUs
Saaz and Hersbrucker for flavour and aroma

How does this reciepe look? Also im unsure what hop to bitter with? will galena for its neutrality be appropriate? I was thinking only saaz for flavour and aroma, as japanese lagers tend to lack hop aroma and flavour, and really focus on the corn, rice and malt flavour aroma
Galena should be fine for bittering.

Here's a recipe I made a few years back for a mate who likes these sort of beers.
This was a 23L batch.
Doing it again I'd use a grain that needed a mash with the rice but if you are using rice malt I'm not sure that is important.

2kg Light LME. 500g Light DME. 100g Crystal malt. 500g rice. 50g Saaz. Saflager s-23 yeast. 350g Dextrose
Boiled rice for 30 mins. Steeped with Crystal for 45. Sparged. 35g Saaz@45 LME and DME @15 15g Saaz @5 10g Saaz & Dextrose @end.

Personally I'd drop the maltodextrin from your recipe there and replace with some more extract or dextrose.
With my recipe in mind yours looks perhaps slightly lacking in extract, even for a small batch. Have you run it through beersmith or something similar to see what numbers you get?

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