Export Fosters = Crown Lager ?

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In the U.S. I believe now Foster's is brewed in Texas and Georgia by 'Oil Can Brewing' which is in the SABMiller stable and they removed the 'imported' from the can. When it was imported to the states from Canada, they used to be advertised as 'imported' and they let the consumer assume it was imported from Australia. And the green can is 'Fosters Bitter' there.

good trick that - I remember all the whining when Heinekin started to be brewed here BUL... it wont be the same as the imported stuff after all - the imported stuff having been brewed BUL in NZ for years previously... it was imported... nobody said anything about from where.


All the same company actually... and yes
You work for the megabrew company, you make the beer that makes the whole world sing? In that case I think I will have to ignore all the seemingly stellar advice you have written in the past :)

Just kidding of course. It was your great write up on the brewing network site that first started my interest in going to AG BIAB.

Must be pretty cool to work for a brewery, even if they do produce crap. Are you close to the action ?
I shall attempt not to be insulted that you have just called what I do for a living crap... I prefer to think of it as beer that very accurately matches the desires and expectations of it's target audience and within those parameters is really quite well made... you are not the target audience.

I work in the brewhouse - and yes its pretty cool to work in a brewery, even though in this large an operation you are limited to one very small part of the process and you have no creative input at all - I still get to make beer for a living every day, and I like it. Plus big breweries pay a hell of a lot better than little breweries do :D
Must be pretty cool to work for a brewery, even if they do produce crap.
It's not 'crap' if 98% of the beer-drinking-population swill it on a regular basis.
MegaBreweriesInc are very good at making a consistent and high quality product that caters for the demands of the mass-population - if they did not they'd be out of business.
It's just that some people are more educated and prefer something different. ;)
It's not 'crap' if 98% of the beer-drinking-population swill it on a regular basis.

That's not a great reasoning, especially if my original comment is taken in the context of appearing in a beer-lovers forum.

MegaBreweriesInc are very good at making a consistent and high quality product that caters for the demands of the mass-population

Consistency does not equal high quality. Three-Minute-Noodles are an example of that.

It's just that some people are more educated and prefer something different.

'Educated' isn't really the term youre looking for. According to Wikipedia:

<B>In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another.</B>

If we take that interpretation as rote (why not, its on wikipedia !) then the educated ones are the VB drinkers.

The word 'learned' might be more concise.
That's not a great reasoning, especially if my original comment is taken in the context of appearing in a beer-lovers forum.

Consistency does not equal high quality. Three-Minute-Noodles are an example of that.

'Educated' isn't really the term youre looking for. According to Wikipedia:

<B>In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another.</B>

If we take that interpretation as rote (why not, its on wikipedia !) then the educated ones are the VB drinkers.

The word 'learned' might be more concise.

You say all this and don't even brew traditionally!While I have nothing against new techniques or styles,I use a few myself.To question megabrew technique and procedure from a biab background is a bit rich.

Technically,you will never reach the parameters of those you despise.You can hide flaws in your procedure.Try that at the megabrews.

Consistency DOES EQUAL high quality,because that is what branding relies on.Whether good or bad.Is Chimay the same or as good,as 30 yrs ago?Is Westvleteren 12,10 ect.the same or as good,as 30 yrs ago?Was VB the same 30 yrs ago?or even 5 yrs ago?

Times change,new ingredients are sourced,sometimes for authenticity,mostly because of bean counters in the front office.But beers change,morph and even remain the same.

Open vats ?

Wild yeast ?

Wormwood for bittering ?

Enjoy you gruit, buddy. This wasn't about getting nasty.

Open vats ?

Wild yeast ?

Wormwood for bittering ?

Enjoy you gruit, buddy. This wasn't about getting nasty.

Gee mate,you were such a shining light.Then THUMP.

OH well.

Yes,I do brew Traditionally.
Wormwood,gruit,orange peel,coriander etc all have been used when hops were to expensive to buy.

Your point?

All I was saying is that brewing ,is both old and new.

So quick to deride,yet equally as quick to take offense.THUMP

nasty?keep posting you will see nasty ;)
That's not a great reasoning, especially if my original comment is taken in the context of appearing in a beer-lovers forum.

Consistency does not equal high quality. Three-Minute-Noodles are an example of that.

'Educated' isn't really the term youre looking for. According to Wikipedia:
This is a HomeBrewing forum (hence the name) and just because megaswill is not generally appreciated here it does not make the product 'crap', and that's the only context required for my comment.

If you actually read (and understand) what I said, at no time did I suggest or imply that consistency equals high quality, nor did I suggest or imply that many/any people that read these forums would consider it their beverage of choice.

'Educated' is the exact term I was looking for, and to quote the first sentence of your Wikipedia 'Education' page:
"Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual"
I feel that the general consensus is that when a person acts to and experiences good micro or home beer that the effect on them will be formative and that they'll take that education into account when considering what beer they prefer. Again I feel that the general consensus is that most average-megaswill-drinkers have never even sampled good micro or home brewed beer and so in that regard they are very uneducated.

There are also about 10 other quotes from your Wikipedia page I could use, but from reading your comments here and in other threads, it seems that you're just in the mood to argue tonight, so it's not worth more effort.
its great to revisit a shitfight thread on a sat night just to see "who`s visiting"

edit,, crown lager is ok but too expensive
I have a heart condition

I have one of those.
I brew how I like...
OT, **** it, I can't even remember what it was now.
I blame professional brewers.
Or perhaps the glasses and glasses of mine and others homebrew...
Post #32: Wolfy says - If you actually read (and understand) what I said, at no time did I suggest or imply that consistency equals high quality

Youre right, I dont understand. Seven posts prior to that you said.....

Post#25: Wolfy says - MegaBreweriesInc are very good at making a consistent and high quality product that caters for the demands of the mass-population

Between June 11th and June 12th you have contradicted yourself, havent you ?
Youre right, I dont understand. Seven posts prior to that you said.....

Post#25: Wolfy says - MegaBreweriesInc are very good at making a consistent and high quality product that caters for the demands of the mass-population

Between June 11th and June 12th you have contradicted yourself, havent you ?
Maybe English is not your first language? The word 'and' is a logical and grammatical conjunction, the use of the word 'and' does not automatically imply that both statements are true.

Since you like Wikipedia so much ... lets go there ... start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_conjunction
From which I borrowed this nice picture which might help you understand the logic of 'and':

'Possibility 1' is the circle on the left and 'Possibility 2' is the circle on the right, the red bit is the result of 'Possibility 1' and 'Possibility 2'.
What you will note is that while both possibilities have some overlap (the 'and' part) both possibilities are not the same.
If 'and' implied that 'Possibility 1' equaled 'Possibility 2' (which is what you suggested I was saying) then both circles would overlap entirely and we'd just have one red circle (which is obviously not true).

Now lets turn to grammar and again to our friendly Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammatical_conjunction
I'll let you read that and just pull out one quoted example:
"Both the cross country team and the swimming team are doing well."
This suggests that the cross country team is doing well, so is the swimming team, it does not suggest that the cross country team is the same as the swimming team.

So when I said that "MegaBreweriesInc are very good at making a consistent and high quality product that caters for the demands of the mass-population", sure I was suggesting that CUB make a product that is both consistent and high quality (in terms of their market) but I didn't imply (as you suggested) that just because the product is consistent it must be high quality.
There are brewers/breweries who produce high quality products that are not consistent (which is part of their charm) and there are also brewers who produce consistent results that could not be classed as high quality products. Then there are those who produce both a consistent and high quality product.
its great to revisit a shitfight thread on a sat night just to see "who`s visiting"
I'm having fun ... you go make/find your own!
I shall attempt not to be insulted that you have just called what I do for a living crap... I prefer to think of it as beer that very accurately matches the desires and expectations of it's target audience and within those parameters is really quite well made... you are not the target audience.

I work in the brewhouse - and yes its pretty cool to work in a brewery, even though in this large an operation you are limited to one very small part of the process and you have no creative input at all - I still get to make beer for a living every day, and I like it. Plus big breweries pay a hell of a lot better than little breweries do :D

+1 here

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