Expensive Microbrew Beer

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Sorry mate not in SA yet

Shame......I'm all for giving the little guy a break, and wouldn't mind a taster myself...
mmm....SA Bulk buy? :lol:
(put forward humourously, but maybe not such a daft idea...)
Would you prefer that nobody has a go at putting out some different beers for people to CHOOSE to buy or not buy.
Not at all. My gripe is with the perceived value at the coalface.

I am quite amazed that you are so passionate about the form of hops used.
Really? A brewer that is passionate about his ingredients. Well I never! :rolleyes:

As far as the price goes you really have no idea how much time and effort goes into putting a beer onto the shelf.
I have a fair idea. I never said it was easy. I just happen to feel that $10 a litre is a bit much for me to pay for anything less than 'inspiring' beer - sorry if that bothers you.

it is very disheartening to listen to people such as yourself put down a very hard working industry with minimal financial return.
Again, sorry, but that's how I feel. Some microbreweries really aren't peddling anything very special, and paying top dollar for it really pisses me off.

Bottom line, if its too expensive for you dont buy it!
Now there's an idea!

Anyway that my 2c worth. Sorry mate couldnt ignore you.....
Don't apologise, I don't need everyone to agree with me. Good luck to you - if your beer is genuinely good stuff and you can get the government or the retailer or whoever is taking the piss to pull their head in and let the stuff retail for a fair price then perhaps I'll start buying it. But at the moment I kinda feel like somebody, somewhere is making too much money out of 'microbrew' and that many of them don't live up to their price tag.
Not at all. My gripe is with the perceived value at the coalface.

Really? A brewer that is passionate about his ingredients. Well I never! :rolleyes:

I have a fair idea. I never said it was easy. I just happen to feel that $10 a litre is a bit much for me to pay for anything less than 'inspiring' beer - sorry if that bothers you.

Again, sorry, but that's how I feel. Some microbreweries really aren't peddling anything very special, and paying top dollar for it really pisses me off.

Now there's an idea!

Don't apologise, I don't need everyone to agree with me. Good luck to you - if your beer is genuinely good stuff and you can get the government or the retailer or whoever is taking the piss to pull their head in and let the stuff retail for a fair price then perhaps I'll start buying it. But at the moment I kinda feel like somebody, somewhere is making too much money out of 'microbrew' and that many of them don't live up to their price tag.

I can't understand yoru gripe with hop pellets though...they are pretty standard.

I prefer flowers, but still happily use pellets (but hate how they end up like a sludge in the bottom of the kettle, not like a nice filter bed).

Now, isohops or those hop oil extract thingos...that is a completely different story - and I wouldn't want to use them at all...
IIRC it's also quite hard to get flowers and plugs anyway due to quarantine issues. QB recently looked into this.


I'd like to try your beer (hell, I want to try all Australian microbrew)- though I don't know where I can get it in SA (if it is available here)

+1. Is it available in NSW yet?
Not at all. My gripe is with the perceived value at the coalface.

Really? A brewer that is passionate about his ingredients. Well I never! :rolleyes:

I have a fair idea. I never said it was easy. I just happen to feel that $10 a litre is a bit much for me to pay for anything less than 'inspiring' beer - sorry if that bothers you.

Again, sorry, but that's how I feel. Some microbreweries really aren't peddling anything very special, and paying top dollar for it really pisses me off.

Now there's an idea!

Don't apologise, I don't need everyone to agree with me. Good luck to you - if your beer is genuinely good stuff and you can get the government or the retailer or whoever is taking the piss to pull their head in and let the stuff retail for a fair price then perhaps I'll start buying it. But at the moment I kinda feel like somebody, somewhere is making too much money out of 'microbrew' and that many of them don't live up to their price tag.

wow, so much arrogance in one post. Well done.
Not at all. My gripe is with the perceived value at the coalface.

Really? A brewer that is passionate about his ingredients. Well I never! :rolleyes:

I have a fair idea. I never said it was easy. I just happen to feel that $10 a litre is a bit much for me to pay for anything less than 'inspiring' beer - sorry if that bothers you.

Again, sorry, but that's how I feel. Some microbreweries really aren't peddling anything very special, and paying top dollar for it really pisses me off.

Now there's an idea!

Don't apologise, I don't need everyone to agree with me. Good luck to you - if your beer is genuinely good stuff and you can get the government or the retailer or whoever is taking the piss to pull their head in and let the stuff retail for a fair price then perhaps I'll start buying it. But at the moment I kinda feel like somebody, somewhere is making too much money out of 'microbrew' and that many of them don't live up to their price tag.

Cheers, enjoy brewing those beautiful freshly hopped beers mate. Pretty safe to say Im not the rich one, but hopefully one day, and why not indeed..... :lol:
wow, so much arrogance in one post. Well done.

A guy is entitled to his opinion. But maybe the hop comment was not well researched. B) But he's right to a degree. $60 or so a carton is ok by me, but $20+ for a four pack is a joke for a "local" product.
Defend our micros all you like -
at the end of the day, the customer has to be happy. And a lot arent. And its not all the government's fault. Many breweries are run with the wrong motives (to make a million), and the product is too expensive and quality falls by the wayside.
that many of them don't live up to their price tag.

Yeah, and the same goes for the wine industry, plenty of bottles out there that aren't worthy of washing my socks in, but they're still out there and people do buy them. If you don't like it, vote with your wallet and leave the bottle on the shelf. To throw in another phrase, value is in the eye of the beer-holder!

Microbrewing is like plenty of other 'cottage' industries', on one hand the low volume hands on craft aspect of the industry can lead to a high quality niche product, however, unfortunately this usually comes at a higher cost than large commercial enterprises as economies of scale are not available to the small operator.

Wortgames, I think the OP was directed a finding bottle-o's that supplied quality beers at reasonable prices, rather than bashing micro's for using pellets and gouging the market! Generally the best prices are found at the large bulk chains as they have high turn-over, lower margins etc. Where as the small local independant store will usually have a much slower turn over of stock.

It also must be remembered that shelf space costs money to the store operator, if product X has a high turnover, it can be purchased in larger quantities and a lower price can be justified, however if product Y is slower moving, a higher price is often needed to justify it's position in the store.

Cheers SJ

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