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Hey all,

As i've finally got a good 2v all grain setup organised, im working on doing a few 10L batches to tryout a few different styles of beer. I have been a corona/blonde drinker for a while but since started brewing have moved onto Little creatures Pale ale/ JS Golden ales etc but havent gone too much further. I read lots of posts on here about Leffe, Sierra nevade , weiss beers etc and would like to know if someone can recommend me a few beers to try from Dan Murphys to see if i like the style, so i can then have a crack at brewing them.

I have done a Dr Smurtos golden ale, nice drop, just bottled a Nelson Sauvin Summer ale. Now need to decide what to make next.

Who can recommend me there favourite to try so I can get a few singles from dans and try em to see what I like..

Thanks heaps
I'd pick up the sierra nevada range - kellerweiss, pale and and torpedo. Really good examples of their respective styles, though the torpedo could probably be a little fresher given that dans are probably still on the same batch that first came in to aus a few months back.

Also pick up a duvel, delirium tremens and chimay. They are all great belgian beers.
If you have the spare cash, i would recommend doing a order online. I did a couple of boxes with slow beer when first starting out (no affiliation)

Price wise they are sometimes a little cheaper than Dans on things they both stock, but then that is made up in postage costs. From my experience i would
rather beers that have been handled by S.B, then 2 days with AUS post than most things from Dans, it really has been hit and miss for me, more so on the miss.
S.B have a much wider range to.

Definitely get into some Belgian beers, they are a real palate expander for sure and delicious.
Grab a Timothy Taylors Landlord for an english style.

Dr Smurtos also has a good recipe for this.
Stone and Wood Pacific Ale
Murrays Nirvana
Any of the Brewdog range.

These regularly make an appearance in my fridge when I feel the need.
Grab a Timothy Taylors Landlord for an english style.

Dr Smurtos also has a good recipe for this.

Grab an Adnams Broadside as well while you are doing the english styles.

This thread may help (top 5 beers): http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...1974&st=180

as well as this one*worst beer you have tried): http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum/inde...showtopic=51420

and although American you could visit: http://beeradvocate.com/lists/fame (you will find some in Australia)

But i would say work through them all.

Some favorites:
Weihenstephen wheat beers
Chimay blue
Leffe Blond
murray whale ale
sierra nevada pale ale
la fin da monde
stone and wood
young double choc stout
Treat >insert bottle shop name here< beer fridge like a book.
Start at the top left and work your way across and down. :)
A BeerMasons membership was what opened my eyes to the sheer variety of beers available, but a good bottle shop (Slowbeer etc) can do the same. If you are lucky enough to have a good bottle shop nearby, staffed by beer geeks, talk to them. Tell them what you like and what you don't like. They will help you to find beers you enjoy.
It will expand your palate & blow your mind (or you'll hate me forever )
Leffe anything
Chimay anything
Timothy Taylor Landlord
Sierra Nevada torpedo
Fullers 1845
Anything from Murrays
Stone & Wood pacific ale
These are some of my favs
Edit I forgot Aecht Schlenkerla rauchbeir
Some English classics which really worth trying.
Any of the fullers beers, particularly the ESB.
As mentioned Timothy Taylor pale ale.
Samuel smith's brown ale.
All those beers have an awesome maltyness as opposed to more hoppy American styles (which are great too)
Even better idea = there are still 2 spots left in the Vic xmas swap, bound to find something to educate and please your buds, i am doing this right now :drinks:
Pick something famous from each region/style that's readily available.

Make sure it is fresh/in date (Dan's is notorious for out of date or badly treated beer). If you get one that tastes weird or not right, be prepared to try it again and put it down to bad handling, at least once.


an english porter, stout, pale or india pale and esb/best bitter. Sam smiths and fullers will help you there.

Trappist - any you can get your hands on. All are different - my favourite is rochefort 10 but chimay is wonderful as is orval as is westmalle etc. At the very least, try a tripel and a dubbel from the one brewery (or all the chimays/westmalles).

Belgian pale - leffe or duvel should be easy to come across. Hoegaarden grand cru is a another favourite.

American pale or IPA. My experience of those is mostly making them or tasting other brewer's attempts. There are some non-american breweries that make them that you might find more easily. Holgate's road trip IPA is nice. Murrays is good (although I don't like some of the hops in in it personally, it's very well made). Feral Hop hog is another. There's a couple of new zealand breweries that make good versions using new zealand hops. Emerson comes to mind but not my field of expertise.

German: wheat/weizen, dunkelweizen (schofferhoffer, erdinger, frankinzaner, paulaner) If you can find Schneider, buy anything and everything.

Eastern european pils/lager: Trumer pils and Pilsner Urquell.

Then try aussie microbrewed versions of whatever you can find. Some are pretty bad but there are a lot of good ones, especially when well treated.
Even better idea = there are still 2 spots left in the Vic xmas swap, bound to find something to educate and please your buds, i am doing this right now :drinks:
even as a non swap attendee. Speaking of which, I better get a leave pass...
Pretty sure Kleiny's up in warnambool now. Send him a PM neo, if you don't already know him. He is a regular case swapper and attendee too.
Well. Finally home after running around town all night.

Got a selection from Dans cause I was thirsty :p

Got about 6 or so different ones, Currently sipping on a Youngs double choc stout. Im not a stout drinker normally, but this is damn nice.
Thanks for the advice guys. Much appreciated. I will be working my way through these 6 tonight :)
Well. Finally home after running around town all night.

Got a selection from Dans cause I was thirsty :p

Got about 6 or so different ones, Currently sipping on a Youngs double choc stout. Im not a stout drinker normally, but this is damn nice.
Thanks for the advice guys. Much appreciated. I will be working my way through these 6 tonight :)

Well what the fek did you get?

I hope you didn't start with the stout!

Sorry, but I'm on my umteenth pint of Ross's GMT IPA, it's fekking great!

Got a ...

Youngs double choc stout - very nice & smooth
Hobgobline - Also very nice & smooth
Chimay blue - Nice but a bit bitey for my tastes

Untested as yet ....

Pilsner urquell
Sierre nivada pale ale
Leffe Blonde
Well. Finally home after running around town all night.

Got a selection from Dans cause I was thirsty :p

Got about 6 or so different ones, Currently sipping on a Youngs double choc stout. Im not a stout drinker normally, but this is damn nice.
Thanks for the advice guys. Much appreciated. I will be working my way through these 6 tonight :)

did you get a vb ?
na didnt bother with the vb. pretty sure ive had that one b4 :p

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