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I had one of those last night. Could taste fake chocolate sauce in it. But not bad. Just reminded me of eating ice cream and cottees sauce as a kid.

As well as getting a few from dans. Try and go to a bar with different styles on tap and chat to the bar staff about what you like. Can't help you on places though I'm in sydney.
I'm a bit the same with the young's stout. Love some of their other beers but not rapt with that one.
Seriously a punk ipa, grab one, it will rock your world :icon_cheers:

Got a ...

Youngs double choc stout - very nice & smooth
Hobgobline - Also very nice & smooth
Chimay blue - Nice but a bit bitey for my tastes

Untested as yet ....

Pilsner urquell
Sierre nivada pale ale
Leffe Blonde

G'day mate, I quite like the stout and the Hobgoblin is always nice.

The Chimmay Blue is nice, but I think the White is the best of the Chimmays.

I hope you saved the pale ale/ blond and pilsner for another day, as after the other beers you wouldn't have tasted them properly.

Pick up the Siera Nevada Torpedo next time, it's a nice beer, one of the best at Dans.
Knappstein Lager is a really nice Australian beer with nelson sauvin hops.
If you try it again, do the chimay blue at the end of the night to really allow yourself to taste what is going on in there...
Where do you get good beer in/near Warranbool? I've been telling my brother about Hobgoblin (he lives there). Or did you grab them in Melbourne?
I love their London Ale.
+1 love their London Ale,there stout is ok would be better if it was a 330 bottle 500ml is a bit too much of it!!
Any of the Trappist beers not sure how many of them are obtainable in OZ
Timmy Taylors
Definately Pilsner Urquell
And im liking Steigl at the moment
I got all the beers i listed earlier as singles at Dan murphys. Seems like they have a pretty good collection
If you aspire to making a good lager in the future, I'd recommend getting a tallie of DAB Dortmunder Export or the Polish lager Zywiec and see what it's all about - they are fuller, maltier aromatic beers that are stronger than Czech Pilsners and less abrasively bitter than the German Pils, and with more balls than a Bavarian Helles. Mother's milk.

Six DB 330s on special at Dans ATM for $15 so why not :icon_cheers:
Samuel Smith's Taddy Porter (im going to go get on right now!)

Rochefort 8 or 10

anything Murrays!
If you aspire to making a good lager in the future, I'd recommend getting a tallie of DAB Dortmunder Export or the Polish lager Zywiec and see what it's all about - they are fuller, maltier aromatic beers that are stronger than Czech Pilsners and less abrasively bitter than the German Pils, and with more balls than a Bavarian Helles. Mother's milk.

Six DB 330s on special at Dans ATM for $15 so why not :icon_cheers:
Yep DAB is one of the reasons I decided to start brewing my own, not because it was bad (IMO its quality is middle of the road) but because I quite liked it, even up against the other more common Eurolagers, but I also wondered if I could make something similar (still haven't done that- but I'm not finished trying!). Even though it is relatively cheap it was a great starting point and I'm glad I tried it. I still buy it now and then, sounds like I'd better grab some next time I'm near a bottle-o! :icon_cheers:

Seeing as we're shopping at Dan's, I'd second Young's London Ale as it would certainly be worthwhile trying, as would Timothy Taylor's Landlord, however my last one of those was very, very dull compared to previous buys, but it could've just been that particular shop's handling. Support the local brewers as well though, so the Burleigh, Murray's, Lord Nelson, Vale etc., they all have some very decent beers.

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