Enhanced Biab With Lauter Tun Stage

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zebba: my manifold slips apart and cleans in about 1 min with the bag I had to rinse it hang it up and hose it off pain in the but!.

Mark, well yes you are right you could mash say 3lts/kg and then infuse with x amount of boiling water to achieve a mash out temp. there may be some water you boiled left over but once you vorlauf it would be down close to 70 deg so when you start draining just add the rest like a fly sparge.

The holes in the bucket should be fine make the mesh tight with small silicon hose split down the middle and wrapped around it and the hole in the bottom you could start 20mm away from the edge so the corner/side holds the mesh not the bottom
What if the mesh wasn't rigid though mate? The plastic with holes in it in say the middle would be holding all of the weight of the grains + liquid. I guess you could have a rigid mesh and a fine mesh together, both with the silicone hose around the edge.
You have to be joking Briber?

Only looked at your first post and why the feck would you not just put some mesh over a pickup tube in the bottom of your urn. Mash in it and drain to a bucket. Tip out grain from urn, transfer wort from bucket into urn and then boil in the urn?


true but if you dont drill the holes to close together they should be fine. But as you say maybe use heavy mesh and make a voile sock for it. that would work as said the bag works well but once lifed or with the grain suspended the wort isnt going threw the grain making a grain bed. But people use bucket in bucket mash tun, this is a bucket inside another bucket the inside one has hole say 1-2mm drilled into the bottom so that acts like a FB. with mesh there to I cannot see a problem depening on batch size and grain bill
Oh yeah? I wonder if you could cut out the bottom and replace it with something sturdy enough? Obviously one of those Ikea splatter guards would act as the filter, but you'd want something trust worthy for the actual bottom too.

Something like this? ;)


I used a 15L pot in my system for the 'bag', cut out the bottom and pop riveted in a disc of 2mm perforated stainless, which cost about $40. You could call it brew in a pot :ph34r:

Love the idea Bribie, you could add a little pump to that quite easily to vorlauf then pump back to the kettle! I reckon you could also batch sparge quite nicely, maybe with a bigger lauter tun though?

Still confused. Isn't that a mashtun?

BIAB was an entry point only I thought. Seems Bribie and your pic have gone almost to the same effort of 3V brewery and not realised that BIAB was not even necessary?



Still confused. Isn't that a mashtun?

BIAB was an entry point only I thought. Seems Bribie and your pic have gone almost to the same effort of 3V brewery and not realised that BIAB was not even necessary?


Nah its the pot that sits inside my mash tun to hold the grain - kinda like a false bottom but with sides. After mashing & recircing I can lift out that pot without disturbing the grain bed and then boil in the 'mash tun'
Dont be sorry Cocko,

I am actually trying to discuss the merits if there are any of BIAB.

Like I mentioned previously. Apart from an entry in your FIRST all-grain beer, any "enhancement" is a 2 or 3 vessel system with pumps.

Can anyone find the original thread by Pistol Patch about BIAB? (im not good at searching) but it was funny!
if you had a small pump and controlled the urn with a PID. the urn could be used to step the mash similar to how the brewmaster works. then the PID could also be used to control the boil.
I'm looking back at the reasons given for working on this method.

1) Reducing trub
2) gaining more clear wort (and better efficiency) ready to pitch into your fermenter.

Although I barely have 1% of your experience I have found in my number of BIAB brews so far that it's the use of a NC cube that is making it harder to seperate trub.

I wonder if you added a few more litres to your strike water and did a standard BIAB but used an immersion chiller and a floccer whether it would make it easier to get your volume up and your trub out of your cube?

I have been mulling over the same couple of obstacles myself and considering ditching NC.

My last BIAB batch gave me 24 litres of clear wort at 75% efficiency, I did however have to muck around with a filter to gain 2.5L back from my trub. I filtered slowly, boiled, cooled and used it for an active starter which I pitched 12-14 hours later.

Just my 2c
if you had a small pump and controlled the urn with a PID. the urn could be used to step the mash similar to how the brewmaster works. then the PID could also be used to control the boil.

I agree. But why use a svissvoille bag? If you are using a PID and pump, why not use a false bottom or stainless mesh tube "filter" at the bottom of the tun?

I will mention it again. If you have an urn, you dont need a "bag"
Awesome BribieG.

I'm gonna have to do a thread on my vacuum lauter some day. Nothing like 26" of Hg to get that last litre of syrupy sugaz out without introducing high pH hot water...
One day I will post a picture of my "pressed" wort.

Nothing more than a cylinder a mesh botton, a piece of wood on top and a car jack for pressure.

simple and works well.

Also i have a double thickness vaccuum sealed stainless mashtun but again for another thread
Also i have a double thickness vaccuum sealed stainless mashtun but again for another thread

Please start a thread. It sounds interesting.

Sharing knowledge is much more satisfying than deriding other's. That's the work of fellows with small pricks.
Hey Nick,

I can't be bothered photographing it.

Suffice to say its an old liquid nitrogen storage container modified into a mashtun.

Deriding others as you call it is nothing other than assuring people that everything is OK and stop thinking for yourselves.

If you don't like it....then don't think

