Efficiency Calcs & Ibu's

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Hi guys,

I have done a quick search of the forum but could not find any recent threads on how to calculate efficiency or IBU's without using "the software."
Had a go at my first AG on the weekend, with pleasing results into the fermenter. Used a really basic Amber Ale recipe to trial out the evolving home made 3V. (Made a few modification notes for batch two!!)
Anyway, to the point...
I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction for calculating efficiencies?
Mash temps fell below my target 65C after about 20 min. Managed to hold low 60's for a single infusion (with regular agitation) for another hour or so (made some hot water additions to hold temp but was mindful of my finished volumes)
It was only a small batch, which was half the problem, but my resulting OG was around 1.032 (target was 1.050). Bumped the OG up with dextrose on this occasion.
Mashed all of the grain together (cashing in on the base enzyme!)
Apparently efficiency for this recipe when done properly is ~65%

Recipe: 11.5 litre batch
Trad Ale base 2.25kg
crystal light 0.20kg
choc malt 0.02kg
williamete (60min boil) 0.020kg
Williamete (15 min steep) 0.012kg

thanks in advance

PS. POR & Chinook rearing their ugly heads...I have a man crush on hops!

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