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I'm just surprised he hasnt been reported and removed yet?
From what I remember, he's been on there for a while selling these units... as you say, he has the disclaimer saying to get them certified, but yea, he's not allowed to legally sell those units due to being uncertified in the first place.
Real dogdy stuff.
sorry to weight into this a bit late
Did someone on here end up winning this?Beer Engine $170 Victoria
This guy obviously doesn't know what's inside an acetylene cylinder.This one's got a new coat of painth34r: !
This guy obviously doesn't know what's inside an acetylene cylinder.
I bet the acetone kills head retention.
Fresh CASCADE hop pellets 1 pound (450gm) home brewing brew beer
$27 buy it now plus $6.60 postage
Awesome, now all we need is a REALLY big bag so we can start doing 500+ litre batches
Look at the price of the rims and filter. double brewershardware price including postage.