Drilling Holes In My Keg Fridge

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Hey guys!

So tomorrow i am getting my CO2 cylinder and am looking at drilling some holes in my fridge for the regulator line and the tap.
I know some fridges have plumbing and wiring in the internal walls of the fridge, and i should be carfull.
So i have posted some pics of the frige i will be using.
If anyone could give me some helpfull advice on do's and dont's and things they have learnt from there experiance? Or if the know the type of the fridge i am using and know were the wiring and plumbing is so i can avoid it!?
Cheers! :)

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Take the liner off the door and see whats behind. 99% there is nothing lurking in there but better to be safe than sorry.
doesn't look like any wiring between the door and body as you have no butter softener container that needs power.would also look at the screws that hold the door on sometimes there can be wring in the hinge fitting.If the door is reversible i dont see any probs.
as always all care taken no responsibility.
How many kegs are you hoping to fit in there? I recently made my kegerator and my initial intention was the have the gas and regulator outside of the fridge (similar size to yours) but found that I could fit three kegs and the gas bottle inside.

This meant that I didn't have to risk drilling a hole in the side of the fridge for the gas line in.
Thanks for the advice proudscum and pokolbinguy! :)

booyablack! good point mate! I know i can fit at least two kegs in there, not sure about three!? But the co2 im getting is only a 2.6L so i may be able to fit it in as well!!?
AJ, I would try fitting your 2 kegs + gas bottle before you go drilling up a storm so to speak...

I ran a similar size fridge for a year or 2, and always ran the gas bottle + reg in side the fridge - never had a problem with moisture etc in reg..

If you can avoid holes and have a neater set up - why not?

if you remove the door liner and replace with masonite or similar you might buy yourself enough space for that extra keg/gas bottle

Have a good close look around the back wall of your fridge (from the inside) just near the bottom of the cooling coils/panels. You might be lucky and find that there is a hole there to allow condensate to drain out to the rear of the fridge. This can be used to run your gas line.

Cheers SJ
I reckon you could fit 4 kegs in there. Just prop up a new platform on the hump. Mine i've done that with a couple of old paint tins and a lump of timber... can fit 6 in my upright fridge. Also remove all the door shelves to help you give more room

As for drilling the side. Try a pilot hole from the inside with a small bit just to pierce the surface. Have a poke around inside the lining to find the outer case.If there's nothing in the way, now wiring/coils or anything, you're good to go. Then just drill a bigger hole for the gas line.

BTW.. kegging is awesome.

Good Luck
if you dont have the condenser on the back of the fridge( pipe work in the wall) turn fridge up on full untill side of fridge gets warm,
mix up a paste of metho and corn flower and rub mixture evenly over the side of your fridge, the mixture will evaporate and dry out first where the pipework is located from the radiating heat, then drill a small pilot hole with a cordless away from these dried out lines, and then a larger hole, and use a airlock grommet to seal between gas line and fridge outer shell, i did this to a brand new fridge with no probs at all. :icon_cheers:
Thanks for all your advise boys and girls!
Done and dusted with the drilling!
This is the first pint off tap!
yum yum!
Dont think ill ever look back!
Cheers! ;)

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booyablack! good point mate! I know i can fit at least two kegs in there, not sure about three!?
It looks kind of similar to my fridge.
If you put a shelf over the compressor hump you should be able to get 4 kegs in there.
You'll just need some chip board and some bricks.

Here's an old pic of mine, it's been cleaned up a bit since then.
There's a 40 litre keg in there but I have no problems with 4 19L kegs.

Just a quick question before going to bed.....should i turn off my co2 cylinder over night? I was thinking if the preasure gage drops over night while the co2 is not on it will tell me if i have a leak in the hose conection, Or should i just leave it on!?
Cheers and thanks for your help everyone! :)
Just a quick question before going to bed.....should i turn off my co2 cylinder over night? I was thinking if the preasure gage drops over night while the co2 is not on it will tell me if i have a leak in the hose conection, Or should i just leave it on!?
Cheers and thanks for your help everyone! :)

I leave mine on... against all advice to the contrary. If you get a small leak you'll lose your bottle on no time. So i'll advise on how i was advised, so you can do what you want to do, which could be what i do, that i shouldn't do... get it. :p
Yeah i left mine on last night, I just checked the reg then....the gages have not moved! So i guess there is no leak! All good! :)
Well done finding an all-fridge! Nothing worse than a useless space-occupying freezer section in a keg fridge! If you decide to drill, keep in mind the back wall is a danger zone - that's where the evaporator coil is. The only other hazard is wiring to the thermostat - located on the right. There will be a single wire running from the compressor at lower back of the unit to this area.

Well done with a leak free setup! Remember to always check with new kegs. I once lost a full gas bottle to a dodgy lid seal!
Well done finding an all-fridge! Nothing worse than a useless space-occupying freezer section in a keg fridge! If you decide to drill, keep in mind the back wall is a danger zone - that's where the evaporator coil is. The only other hazard is wiring to the thermostat - located on the right. There will be a single wire running from the compressor at lower back of the unit to this area.

Well done with a leak free setup! Remember to always check with new kegs. I once lost a full gas bottle to a dodgy lid seal!

Just picked up my second westinghouse 423L all-fridge :)

Ya know... I *think* i may be able to get 8 kegs into it! depending on how thin I can make the top shelf, and if I use the higher profile kegs in front of the compressor hump :)

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