Draft strategy proposes radical plan to boost booze prices

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and while i'm at it - imagine a ******* container of bulk tawny... you're just completely ******.
imagine a ******* container of bulk tawny

Floor price would be a bit over $400 for 20 litres.

Treasury has been trying to get this up for at least 20 years, they'll get there in the end but it will probably take a while. Some of the major grape growing regions in SA are in marginal electorates.
The day that Passion Pop costs more than $10 a go is the day I will have to stop buying it for underage teenage girls. I will have to resort to shop liffting
Wow.. News is really going with the click bait on this one. Who would have thought news.com.au, that august journal of record would indulge in scaremongering click bait?

These floor price schemes are hardly new and hardly radical. They only impact the cheapest possible booze - cheap goon, flaggons of bad Port and sherry, passion pops.... Anything remotely worth drinking (unless you are 16) is well above the floor price anyway and therefore unaffected.
It's what actually got me into brewing again. Back in 2008 when Rudd brought in the alcopop tax the next move was going to be a floor price. I was a Fruity Lexia tragic and thought " screw them, I bet I could brew something drinkable for 50c a litre" so I bought a fermenter and made some headbanger ginger beer.

Then I was in Woolies and saw the Coopers range ... hmm. I wouldn't mind a stout...

Cue the slippery slooooooooooooooooope,..........
Wow.. News is really going with the click bait on this one. Who would have thought news.com.au, that august journal of record would indulge in scaremongering click bait?

These floor price schemes are hardly new and hardly radical. They only impact the cheapest possible booze - cheap goon, flaggons of bad Port and sherry, passion pops.... Anything remotely worth drinking (unless you are 16) is well above the floor price anyway and therefore unaffected.

Indded but it does create a class division between who can afford their chosen vice and who can't. Same with exorbitant taxes on tobacco. I seriously doubt actual problem drinking will diminish significantly. Maybe the kids of the kids drinking this stuff will just get less to eat because sacrifices have to be made.
I don't know that making booze really cheap makes neglect issues go away...

If the problem is bad enough that someone would prioritise booze over their kids food then it's going to be a problem whether goon costs $5 or $50.

The theory here (and reasonably well backed up with evidence so far) that is that raising the price will generally reduce consumption. Raising the price of cigarettes does cut consumption and despite similar warnings of kids going without meals so parents can afford their ****, that pretty much doesn't happen. If it does then there are pretty serious addiction and neglect issues already. Same with booze. Higher prices = less consumption and if people are prioritising booze over food then there are serious issues with addiction that need to be addressed. Likewise with any addictive drug.

And yes, there is a class bias here. The rich can always afford their addictions. It's only the less well off who are price sensitive. That's a problem with any price based intervention. I'm not sure how to deal with that. But you can't not deal with a problem because some rich dudes can buy their way around it.
If they want to solve a problem, I'd love to see the government doing it without just raising ******* taxes.
Absolute cop-out of a way to do it and really just a band-aid.

They already tax the **** out booze, why don't they put that money to good use ala Portugal?
They don't need more money they need to use the money they have now properly.
This is purely a cash grab, nothing more than a way of raising revenue. Saying that it's to reduce alcohol abuse is merely a ruse - an excuse for the raising of prices. Raising the price of alcohol by a few dollars won't do dick, except pull in a few more dallars.
Wow.. News is really going with the click bait on this one. Who would have thought news.com.au, that august journal of record would indulge in scaremongering click bait?

These floor price schemes are hardly new and hardly radical. They only impact the cheapest possible booze - .

The proposed mechanism for achieving a floor price is to harmonise the tax structures of wine and cider (currently ad valorem) to those of beer and spirits (currently excise on alcohol content). If it goes ahead as planned it will affect the price of table wine up to about $50 per bottle, and fortified wine up to about $75.

This is because wine currently pays WET on the wholesale price: taking pre tax wholesale at roughly 50% of retail, the WET on a $50 bottle of wine is 50 x 0.5 x 0.29 = $7.25. Assuming about 8 standard drinks per bottle (eg 13.5% ABV) and excise at $72 / LAL = 90 c per std drink, the excise would be roughly the same and it is usually levied at about the same point.
This is purely a cash grab, nothing more than a way of raising revenue. Saying that it's to reduce alcohol abuse is merely a ruse - an excuse for the raising of prices. Raising the price of alcohol by a few dollars won't do dick, except pull in a few more dallars.

And its a catch 22....The government promise a Tax cut ( not to get votes of course, they would never ever, ever, never ever do that ) which reduces the overall amount of money the government takes in...so...they have to get it from somewhere...so "indirect" tax's are used...

The money has to come from somewhere ( other than Google, Apple, ADANI, BHP etc )...and that somewhere is our pocket
This is because wine currently pays WET on the wholesale price, taking pre tax wholesale at roughly 50% of retail, the WET on a $50 bottle of wine is 50 x 0.5 x 0.29 = $7.25. Assuming about 8 standard drinks per bottle (eg 13.5% ABV) and excise at $72 / LAL = 90 c per std drink, the excise would be roughly the same and it is usually levied at about the same point.

You get 8 Std drinks from a bottle of wine.....Time I re assessed my wine glass size

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