If you got the polarities out of the Pids right then SSR B would only be able to turn on when SSR A was on.QldKev said:Either I'm brilliant, or I have not got a clue about electronic stuff. The latter I know is true...
Can it be done?
whiteferret said:If you got the polarities out of the Pids right then SSR B would only be able to turn on when SSR A was on.
I can't seem to attach a pic at the moment I've drawn up a diagram from Edaks circuit that I think is right will try to upload/attach again.
Dammit how do you get it to show up as a picture?
Mmmm can't remember think i did.QldKev said:With the pic did you click "Add to Post" after you "Attached Files"?
F*&k its been years since I did any basic electronics i thought that you needed a positve with regards to the collector for it to conduct in the direction of the arrow.QldKev said:With the polarities I would use both +'ve terminals, I just drew it that way to make it easy. Why wouldn't it work with SSR_B? I thought that was where the PNP was useful, when the input to the base of the transistor was low, it would allow the current to flow to SSR_B?
I'm thinking that the symbols you have in the supply lines are diodes to separate the pid outputs and power the 4011 it could work I was thinking of a separate power source.QldKev said:Using the 4011 could we energize it from the pids output. Something like this
Also how would you setup the 4011, just solder the wires to it or solder it onto some sort of a board first and then solder wires to it?