Dont Let The Phone Distract You

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On the back bloody porch!
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.....had a day off yesterday. Decided to do a brew. Just about finished getting the first runnings into the kettle and the phone goes. I run inside leaving one of my little boys in charge (he's two). I was inside for 2 mins. Came out and the little bugger had decided to drop into the kettle a small (dirty) brush from the dust pan and a little plastic boat that had capsized. Quickly got them out and got on with the rest of the brew. He thought it was funny. At the end of the brew I found a little plastic captain feathersword (from the wiggles) sitting in amongst the hop trub! I guess he'd fallen out of the capsized boat. Hope he didnt leach anything.
.....had a day off yesterday. Decided to do a brew. Just about finished getting the first runnings into the kettle and the phone goes. I run inside leaving one of my little boys in charge (he's two). I was inside for 2 mins. Came out and the little bugger had decided to drop into the kettle a small (dirty) brush from the dust pan and a little plastic boat that had capsized. Quickly got them out and got on with the rest of the brew. He thought it was funny. At the end of the brew I found a little plastic captain feathersword (from the wiggles) sitting in amongst the hop trub! I guess he'd fallen out of the capsized boat. Hope he didnt leach anything.

Kids and brewing don't mix, I'd be more worried about the dustpan brush :huh: , but hopefully the boil will have killed all the nasties.
Hope it turns out for you.

Kids and brewing don't mix, I'd be more worried about the dustpan brush :huh: , but hopefully the boil will have killed all the nasties.
Hope it turns out for you.


I'd be more worried about the kid near hot runnings.......
Umm.. you left a two year old with a 20 litre boil... Captain Feathersword is the least of your worries.
I'd be more worried about the kid near hot runnings.......

I agree. I fence off the area with plastic bunting for my junior brewer's safety. It keeps out the unusual adjunct additions, too!
Captain Feather Sword @ 60 mins....... any idea how aarrrgghhhBU's that contributed to the recipe??

Cheers SJ

(sorry, couldn't help myself!)
Captain Feather Sword @ 60 mins....... any idea how aarrrgghhhBU's that contributed to the recipe??

ROFL! :lol:

Agree with the child safety sentiments but really I think Steve is a sensible bloke who would look after his kids well being above his own. Have you seen his thread on show us your assistant brewers? I am sure we have ALL become distracted from time to time and our kids have ended up in mischief so lets not play the pointing the finger game with this one huh? No one got hurt in making this story so lets leave it at that. I am sure it was meant as a bit of light heartedness and a giggle to share.

Steve thanks for sharing a wonderful laugh with us :icon_cheers:

Mate, the way that was worded "Came out and the little bugger had decided to drop into the kettle", gave me a shock. I swear my heart half stopped.

Pretty funny though.

Once dropped the thermometer in the boil, and was worried it may have broken when hitting the bottom and spewed mercury everywhere.
Was early in the boil too, so had to wait 45min to find out it was just taking a rest on the bottom (unbroken).

Mate, the way that was worded "Came out and the little bugger had decided to drop into the kettle", gave me a shock. I swear my heart half stopped.

Pretty funny though.

Once dropped the thermometer in the boil, and was worried it may have broken when hitting the bottom and spewed mercury everywhere.
Was early in the boil too, so had to wait 45min to find out it was just taking a rest on the bottom (unbroken).


bet you didnt whirlpool that one.
At the end of the brew I found a little plastic captain feathersword (from the wiggles) sitting in amongst the hop trub! I guess he'd fallen out of the capsized boat.

Hope he didnt leach anything.


In keeping with the other current thread........

He was probably made in, who knows??????? :eek: :D

ARRRGGGGHHHHHBU's.........a measure of that cross-eyed feeling you get from wanton abuse of hops in a beer. Side effects may include wanting a parrot and making colleagues walk the plank....:lol:
Awesome work junior brewer.....

Worst my assistant ever did was throw the container in when I asked her to add some hops (she wanted to help, so I lifted her up on my hip next to the urn and she launched the entire tupperware container into the urn, luckily it landed right way up and floated........)
Classic story...
by the way, it's international talk like a pirate day this saturday.
Just tell your kid that your next brew will include a Live Child infusion if he touches it again. :lol: