Doh! Recipe Help!

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Was planning to put down a brew tonight. Nothing fancy, just a nice simple keg filler along the lines of this:

4.0 kg JW Pale Malt
0.5kg Crystal 40
0.3kg Wheat Malt
0.3kg cane sugar
35gms of POR @ 60mins

Mash @ 65 for 75mins

Total volume 23 litres

Anyway, realised when i jsut got home, i have no wheat malt!! so i have a few hours to source a replacement (no local HB store to get to in time).

What are peoples thoughts on subbing the wheat malt for an equivalent qty of wheet-bix?? Have read of this being used instead of flaked/torrified wheat, but will it help me here??

Any help would be appreciated, and yeah, its kind of a basic CPA style brew.

Cheers SJ
I think you might be ok with weetbix as its only 300gms, allthough I personally havnt used weetbix myself I know of others who have... I think the biggest thing might be the salt content??

But at the end of the day, IMO, wheat malt in that quantity isnt going to add much, if any, flavour, so why not just sub it for more base malt?
I only order as per i brew, hence this is all i have at the moment!!!
No more base malt or other adjuncts (except what i can find at the super market)

Cheers SJ
Just drop the wheat, it's not really needed. Will aid a little in head retention, not much else.
Edit: Make slightly less or up the sugar to compensate.

cheers Ross
I too have heard of the Wheetbix mashers but would never been game enough until recently where I have tried a smattering of beers with all sorts of adjunct in them. I say go for it SJ it is just a keg filler where's the harm and little fun? :icon_cheers:

or I would up the Pale Ale and forget the wheat altogether. 2c
Weetbix are used to replace torrefied or raw wheat for beers that call for raw wheat e.g. Belgian Witbiers.

Personally, id just sub it out for base malt. If you are using it for head retention, id say use carapils although you should have enough crystal there todo that. Do you have any other base/specialty malts? Some Munich wouldn't go astray in that recipe ;)

Edit: just noticed your re-post, follow ross suggestion with sugar cane or use some rice/polenta in the mash. If you can't be bothered cooking them up, you can just dump it straight in as standard mash temps are within gelatinsation temperatures for both. Treat it as the same potential SG of Wheat. so you can use 300g safely ;)
Would cracked wheat work? Only problem is it isn't malted though.

They sell it in the health food aisle of supermarkets (open late!). Maybe if you're in the cereals and health food aisles have a peek at your options.

That said never used the stuff and if you give it a miss you're most likely just going to miss out of a bit of head retention at that amount? :unsure: You could use oats instead? Dunno, heard of them being used in stouts but never an aussie pale.

If you use the bix let us all know how it turns out - got me curious now.


Edit - just saw Ross' recommendation. Might be a better idea - Stuck Weetbix Sparge anyone? Anyone got rice gulls? Would rice bubbles do? Sorry couldn't help myself.
I only order as per i brew, hence this is all i have at the moment!!!
No more base malt or other adjuncts (except what i can find at the super market)

Cheers SJ

Buy more malt, more often :icon_cheers: lol

But yeah, id just drop the wheat, or as chappo says, rice :rolleyes:
I too have of the Wheetbix mashers but would never been game enough until recently where I have tried a smattering of beers with all sorts of adjunct in them.

My Concern would be the salt content. Avoid adding Calcum Chloride if you are using weet-bix. The only reason i havn't made a corn flakes beer yet.
One of my current drinking Bitters had 100 gr of Vitabrits (virtually the same as Weetbix) in the mash.
Worked well, and it's a lovely drink.

Up to you whether to leave it out or not.
One of my current drinking Bitters had 100 gr of Vitabrits (virtually the same as Weetbix) in the mash.
Worked well, and it's a lovely drink.

100g is a safe bet, anything over 500g is really pushing it. Googling their Nutritional Info, you are looking at around 86ppm of Na in a 23L batch with 500g of vitabrits. If you add CaSO4 to your beer as well, you are more likely to push a harsh bitterness as SO4 and Na react with each other.
thinking of making a fruit beer using fruit loops/ any info would help :icon_cheers:
Thanks all for the tips. Seeing as though i have no other grains at my disposal, I think i might head down the rice path, cook up a few hundred grams of that and whack it in, see what happens????!!

As said this is a quick n' nasty keg filler, so a little experimentation won't go astray :huh:

Thank again all.

Cheers SJ
You could always give honey a go. I've always rated it as an adjunct to boost the o.g. And not leave that cane sugar flavour or thin out too much like dextrose. Just a thought
Thanks all for the tips. Seeing as though i have no other grains at my disposal, I think i might head down the rice path, cook up a few hundred grams of that and whack it in, see what happens????!!

No issues there bud. Hold your standard infusion temp and all will be well. i bet your next beer will have 20%+ rice in its grist... :p

Cheers! :icon_cheers:

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