Do You Guys Wear Gloves ?

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I don't want to know why you know that... it's just freakin' scary! It's enough to make you want to get the "Exhaust Port Only" tattoo. :)

Cheers - Fermented.
I wear gloves when racking, bottling and doing stuff with yeast, as thye are much easier to get clean than hands, and it makes me feel like i am doing something improtant, also if you know somone who works ina hospital ask them if these are boxes of out of date sterile gloves, there are often trolley loads of the things put out for staff to help get rid of, and although they may not bee usful for surgary, they are still sterile for brewing.
What I do is simple, have a bucket of no rinse sanitiser at hand during the day and wash your hands in it at appropriate times.

That said I am almost OCD with cleaning as well, if you can say nothing else about my beer, you can say its clean!

Oh yea and wash your hands and trim you nails first.


I use one of those pump pack anti bacterial no rinse things (Aquim?) when I'm pitching and when bottling, just so I know my hands are clean, but then I would almost certainly scratch my arse and pat the dog at some point during the process so I wonder why I bother.


Im trying to find a picture of a trappist monk wearing gloves. No luck so far...... :p

you wouldn`t want to be locked in the Monastery with this crew overnite :D


The gloves would be off.
I brewed an extract brew tonight, no shirt, no shoes, no gloves.......

I'm not concerned about it.
Use chem resistant gloves when I'm washing stuff with caustic or sodium percarb for obvious safety reasons.

Also wear disposable latex gloves (sprayed with sanitiser) if I'm splitting up yeast.

Otherwise - nope.
Thats some funny shit guys.. the trapist gloves was a pissa...
What do you reckon those monks are doing with their hands? Or are they just keeping them sterile?
all good info there vicelore, but while you are in the sanitising mood make sure if your GF comes near the fermenter while you are working, just give her a quick spray as well, she will understand, she already has you pegged so might as well give her all the ammo she needs to verify it.
Their rosary beads.
Couldn`t think what they are called there for a minute :(


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