Do You Guys Wear Gloves ?

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Hey fellas.

Well iv been thinking allot about hygiene with my recent build up of equip and trying to keep my hands clean when touching anything thats going near my beer. ( its impossible. )

During my last brew i had to have a shower mid boil as i spilt stuff on myself, after leaving the shower wondered if my hands where somehow contaminated after washing myself.

I washed my hands twice with hand soap stuff. which got me wondering how you guys go about sanatising your hands when touching fementers airlocks etc during a brew day.

I covered the fementer with no rince everywhere i touched but i was just wondering what you guys do.

I could see this becoming abit Obsesive and not really healthy. Does good non rinse get rid of all nasties that im worried about ?

I think im over stressing things. Like buying a new fementer that touched a dirty mate.. ( yea my mates dont wash there hands..)

Cheers guys i know im probally being over the top ( My GF thinks so anyway..)
Just spray non rinse on them....

But I think you may be a little to much over the top! Relax and have a homebrew I reckon!
oh dear....theres clean and then theres clean freak.

gloves? hell no....i personally think thats taking things to far but hey if it makes you sleep better at night knowing your brewe stuff has not been touched then go for it.

Don't wear gloves when brewing, if touching items then I make sure my hands are clean (which they always are when brewing) and spray sanitiser on them.
I used to be VERY strict and wash/santise everything a million times but over time I have realised bits here and there are not needed or not needed as much.

That said, it is still a VERY important part and without it your asking for trouble.
Do you find yourself turning lights on and off repeatedly when entering or leaving a room? How many times do you have to check the door lock?? :blink:

Seriously dude... I think you are being a little paraniod. As long as you practice proper hygiene (i.e. wash your hands, etc) you should be right. You could always just give you hand a quick spray of no rinse if you were really paranoid for delicate operations, but i reckon as long as your practices are up to scratch and you don't brew in a sty you shouldn't have too many problems.

just my 2c worth...

Spray hands with metho before touching more worries, instant death to any bugs you may have on your hands, just don't light a match :)

Not much point in spraying your hands with no rinse unless you want to stand there and touch absolutely nothing for the required application time.....

I don't it's obsessive at all to make sure your hands are clean - I think it's taking a necessary precaution to ensure the least chance of infection. Makes perfect sense when you think about it and take into account all the effort you go to when you do a brew........:)
I use a pair I got through Ebay.

They used to belong to Michael Jackson.

Which Michael Jackson??? You tell me.


I have previously used gloves for dipping the hand into the mash tun due to a stuck sparge, but only coz it was hot!

Apart from that, bare hands all the time.

You can dip your sands into some sanitising solution or spray your hands with metho if concerned.

Keep in mind you only need cleanliness before the boil, but must have sanitation after the boil...

Edit: Domonsura types quicker than I...
In brewing, we're only concerned with sanitisation and not sterilisation. In other words, we want most of the bugs are gone, and we're not going to get not all of them. That said, the bugs that are gone are the ones that would ruin the brew or be a potential health risk. There are good bugs and bad bugs. We want to knock off the bad ones and give the good ones, especially yeast, a good chance at success.

Just wash your hands with some soap, rinse once or twice and wipe dry with a clean towel. Just the same as if you were going to touch your eyes or mouth.

It's an area where you can get truly over the top, but it's brewing, not surgery.

Cheers - Fermented.
I just make sure that I don't touch anything that touches my beer. Hose ends that will enter my beer aren't touched by me at all even though I dip my hands in sanitiser. Only wear gloves if the sanitiser irritates your skin.
I knew i would get that kind of response.. I do suffer from OCD a bit so its easy for me to get like that.

But it was exactly what i wanted to hear.

Im not that worried about beer for myself i just wanted to know what lenghs you guys go to, as iv seen allot of beer swapping and i want to meet peoples hygiene levels if swapping beer.

As iv never seen inside anyone alses brewing process.
No gloves here

I just try not to touch any surfaces that come into contact with wort / beer

Everything pre packing the wort in the cube is not a worry - hose gets dunked into boiling wort to sanitise, cube gets a shot with bleach then idophor before filling - heat does the rest

Fermenter cleaned with bleach before and after use - tap soaked in bleach solution

Try gladwrap instead of the lid + airlock

Racking hose soaked before use

Kegs cleaned with sodium percarb + shot with idophor

Just clean everything before and after use and you'll be fine

Gloves are only used by me for cleaning out the mash tun - it is quite hot...
I never wear gloves, but I do wash with soap and then spray some no-rinse on my hands before I touch anything...

That said, I have been seen carrying a fermenter while holding the airlock in my teeth (by the outer edge, not either of the ends).

It's all about risk minimisation, not risk elimination....
I wear gloves when im riding my motorbike.....

brewing beer your hands shouldnt be toucking anything that comes into contact with beer anyway. unless your cleaning routine is really poor your unlucky to pick up an infection. your more likely to get an infection from an uncleaned fermentor or tap rather than hands. case in point - do you use filtered/boiled water? if no then your more likely to get an infection from that than your hands (provding you havent been giving proctology exams immediately prior to brewing beer!)

Also Dom is right. only worry about stuff thats post boil contact.
I knew i would get that kind of response.. I do suffer from OCD a bit so its easy for me to get like that.

But it was exactly what i wanted to hear.

Im not that worried about beer for myself i just wanted to know what lenghs you guys go to, as iv seen allot of beer swapping and i want to meet peoples hygiene levels if swapping beer.

As iv never seen inside anyone alses brewing process.

pretty sure i've offerd before cause your in vic but again you are welcome to come watch me brew. brewing this weekend if thats any help.
Comon have you ever see them make wine they use there feet to squash the grapes

Or was that just Sophia Loren in that Italian film

Pumpy :)
Or was that just Sophia Loren in that Italian film
Lucille Ball also did it once also in a espisode of I love Lucy.

good example pumpy. hmmm athletes foot wine.....

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