Ditch "Home Brew", it's "Home Made Craft Beer" ok?

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I love the passion that this thread has prompted.

My 2c... It's possible to make a **** cake at home using a packet mix and a microwave. A great cake can also be made at home using good ingredients and taking your time to do it well and with pride. Either way you're still making a cake.

Making beer is no different.
That's right. Two totally different attitudes. Two totally different methods. Why should they be considered the same again?

Not suggesting there should be distinct labels for people who follow different brewing methods. Just pointing out that your position is ill-considered.
Because someone who chucks a box in the microwave is not doing the same thing as someone who engages in chemistry. It's kinda fundamental to the first half of your point.

The second half of your point goes in the exact opposite direction.
I never said that they were the same. But instead that in both instances a cake was being made.

Two different processes. Two different outcomes.

Read the post again.
Wait. So it was a statement completely apropos of nothing? How odd. It seemed like you intended it to be related to the current context.
Cocko said:
I love it when we call things stuff....

Ugh, BEER!! YAYY! I can bring 2 of my friends...
Pffffft. Where are you gonna find 2 friends? :D

Homebrew beer does carry some negative connotations. Luckily a team of advertising gurus came up with a more appropriate title. I only serve my friends "DIY Beer: Why pay someone else to make it when you can **** it up trying to do it yourself." Much better.
Get your hand off it, manticle. The guy who doesn't understand the meaning of his own words is the victim here? We shouldn't bother wriggling our fingers at the keyboard if we don't know why we're doing it.

WarmBeer said:
We get to have the cake, and eat it, too?
The cake is a lie.

Or enjoys quantum state.

Or something.
I'm not suggesting anyone is a victim. Don't be so dramatic.
Just hoping something good will happen after you prove someone got their words and definitions a bit muddled.

Maybe strippers?
should be an AHB sticky IMO.
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I wonder I it is only you that is confused, bum.

Let me explain.

The point of the op was that craft brew is, and is seen to be, better than home brew, and therefore we should do ourselves a favour by describing what we do as something other than home brewing.

A theme of the conversation that followed was that the way that one refers to the process is irrelevant. Many different processes may have the same name yet a different outcome.

I offered two examples and left it to the reader to determine whether it was how we describe a process that is important, or whether it is the process itself that matters.

Could you be more clear describing your issue?
Now I'm confused. Do I call it Home Bruce or Craft Bruce?!?
I think I'd rather look at a cake than eat a stripper. YMMV.
Dan Dan said:
Now I'm confused. Do I call it Home Bruce or Craft Bruce?!?