Dirty Foam.

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Hey guys.

Well iv been using my new keg setup for the 2nd time last night.

I had been through about 7 glasses and on the 8th noticed some wierd looking Foam.

It was really dirty looking and i didnt look good.

here is a pic. I was wondering what you guys thaught it was.


PS. I know im having big overcarbing issues in this pic.. LOL

Cheers Vice.
hairbrush on a rope or is that a shower back scrubber? :lol:
and what kind of beer was it mate might help with an answer. i usually see that brown head on stouts sometimes. off white, cream or the beige?
looks like a bit of sediment just got mixed up with the beer(or in this case foam). Have you tasted it ?

LOL Nice pick up Fents.. i think its a hair brush. Not to sure i was at the GFs so it would be hers.

It was a witt beer. I had poured various glasses before this and it was nice white head.

I thaught maybey some head dried up in the glass or something by this time ??? i poured it out i was just wondring if you guys had seen simular.

Cheers Vice
Are you pouring from a bottle? Over carbonation in the bottle is likely to rouse the yeast when you pop the cap. The yeast then will colour your foam.
Cubbie it was a keg mate.

Using it for the 2nd time.

I was more worried that it might be going bad as this keg defently isnt very sanitary.

As me and a mate where drunkenly setting it up he kept drinking straight from a beer out hose.. Even after i told him not to 100 times lol
He also kept squirting me and the 2 cars in the garage... It was pretty funny at the time though.

Cheers Vice.
Cubbie it was a keg mate.

Using it for the 2nd time.

I was more worried that it might be going bad as this keg defently isnt very sanitary.

As me and a mate where drunkenly setting it up he kept drinking straight from a beer out hose.. Even after i told him not to 100 times lol
He also kept squirting me and the 2 cars in the garage... It was pretty funny at the time though.

Cheers Vice.

Hence why you said keg in the OP. I should learn to read good...
I was more worried that it might be going bad as this keg defently isnt very sanitary.

As me and a mate where drunkenly setting it up he kept drinking straight from a beer out hose.. Even after i told him not to 100 times lol
He also kept squirting me and the 2 cars in the garage... It was pretty funny at the time though.

Once the beer is in the keg, and purged with CO2, I wouldve thought the chance contaminants entering the keg would be nearly zero.

Unless after dispensing the beer (direct from beer line into mouth - clever :p ), what was in the line was getting sucked back into the keg (like mine previously as my posts needing servicing!). Even then, with inert CO2 gas pressure & being in the fridge, I would've thought it cant 'go bad'.

Other thought is the top of the head foamy jug of froth has more air touching it, could colour it different. If I recall correctly many years ago making a spider (ice-cream & cola), the top of the great tasting foam would turn a brownish colour after a while too...?

Happy to be corrected on this however, just my 2c.
Yea Raven

I didnt think it was very clever. But Try telling a drunk guy to hold a line with no tap kinked whilst i was attaching the beer line.. As soon as it started squirting ( becuase he didnt kink it ) straight into his mouth.. then i force carbed again and it prob got sucked back in.. Im not too worried about his germs etc i just didnt want infections in the keg. I think it might be getting close to empty now anyway.

Ill just pour another tongiht and if it look/smells ok ill pollish it off and give her a good clean lol..

I gotta say it was a very fun night though trying to get it working.

Cheers Vice.
looks like yeast to me

Nah i didnt use a filter. I do have a syphon but i wasnt sure how to/CBF sanatising it so i just used the tap in the bottom of the fementer .It does has one of those little plastic filter thingys on the back of the tap though.

Cheers Vice.
Well there will always be a bit of yeast there, even if you can't see it when transferring.

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