Diminishing Flavour After Fermentation

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Just kegged my 2d all grain. It is very cloudy (looks like dirty water - forgot to add irish moss tablet), and seems to have lost all flavour compared to when I took a sample after a weeks fermentation (its now 2 weeks). Just doesnt seem bright & fresh as you would expect in a beer that is 2 weeks old.

The bitterness is noticable, but could the yeast be covering up flavour, or should the hops be present on the palate? Its got cascade and amarillo in it - they are usually pretty flavourful hops. I'm worried I have an infection again. I attributed the last one to my fermenter tap or the bottling bucket/tap (which I have now replaced, and am now kegging). My cleaning & sanitation regime is thorough. The last infection was only apparent after bottling (no flavour, cloudy, slight sweet cidery note). After one week the beer was as flat as a tack, but by two weeks I had nasty gushers but the beer didn't smell particularly foul or anything. Poured the lot out. The lids were flying off and beer spraying everywhere - not nice at all.

I think I will have to try fermenting my next brew in my glass carboy - in case there is an infection in the plastic one that I just can't seem to clean out. It will be a simple extract kit, because I'm wasting too much money on grain & hops (and time).

Any ideas what it could be based on the symptoms? Most infections I read about are very obvious and happen early on - mine seem to develop very slowly with no visual signs. Its rather depressing as I can't figure out what is happening but I've had the last 5 brews all turning out with the same problem, despite replacing most of my equipment, etc.
You could try to take it off gas (so it doesn't get over gassed) and chill it to near zero to try and crash chill the yeast and get it to drop out.

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