Got a recipe that calls for lager malt but I havent got any. Started me thinking about the differences between different malts. What happens if you substitute pale malt for a lager malt ?
I think "lager malt" is a bit of a misnomer. Malts are defined by their growth pattern, flavour and kilning (amongst other things) not what type of delicious beer you make make out of them.
IMO you wont notice a difference, if anything it iwll taste better than commercial lager malt. Even better, do a 1/2 pale malt and a 1/2 pilsner malt to get the slight sweetness you get from a pilsner malt. Might give it abit more complexity. Either way its base malt, unlikly you will notice much if your fermentation is not up to scratch. if it is... send me a bottle of your finest