Chaos Brews

Volume: 16L in primary fermenter
Time: 3 weeks primary fermenting at avg 18-20 degrees.
Dry Hopped: I dry hopped 4 days before bottling. Had to open the fermenter and put in the hop bag, did it as quick as possible.
Priming sugar: I used dextrose, worked it out based on 16L, worked out to about 102.9g of dextrose. I used second fermenter to rack the beer. When I racked it only 14L ended up in the second fermenter.
So my question is, will it be a big problem that I primed for 16L but only 14L came through?
Also I noticed a strong nail polish remover smell from the bottling fermenter after it was empty but not from the primary fermenter. Could this be a problem?
I bottle these yesterday 3rd of July 2021. Planning to keep them in the bottles fir 2 weeks before opening.They are covered with towels incase of explosions.
Any thoughts on the over priming / nail polish smell and the survival of my brew?