Maiden run done with the Rims system today & I'm not too happy. I mashed in @3.75l/kg but left my grain crush on 0.9 of the barley crusher. From the start, I got an almost stuck sparge. I loosened the grain bed & continued on, almost zero flow from the pump, this is now really shitting me off.
For the whole protein rest, sacc rest & mash out, I had to manually turn the element off & on as the PID overshot my set point by nearly 10deg. I've ended up with a hotter mash than I was aiming for, much more losses to trub, hoses, etc & a 74% efficiency instead of my expected 80%. 22l into the fermenter @1.043 instead of expected 25l @1.047. Improvements needed for round 2. What water to grain ratio are you guys mashing at?
No scorching though, so that's a bonus. For some reason, the mash bed just seemed to gum up with the continuous re-circulation.