Dealing with flies....the only bad bit about summer

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Those tennis racket shaped battery operated fly swaters are good fun,my kids had a lot of fun with them over the years but kids being kids they soon found that using them on each other was better.
Ducatiboy stu said:
So how do you deal with flies

Do you

Take the Dicko approach and bombard the hell out of your house using licensed chemical applicators
You would still have one of these from your parents day DBS

View attachment 84498 image.jpg

Unfortunately the flies you have are all carrying a tin of this.


Well your holding it in your hand Dicko...Nuff said B)

You must use a lot of that at your place :lol:
wide eyed and legless said:
All you need to kill flies effortlessly and without mess is panes of glass spread around the place,glass kills flies, ever noticed how when you see a dead fly it is almost always on a window sill, that is the power of glass.
Hang that same irrefutable logic my pants also deter tigers ! tigers here...because I'm wearing my 'tiger-be-gone' pants (pat.pending).
spog said:
Those tennis racket shaped battery operated fly swaters are good fun,my kids had a lot of fun with them over the years but kids being kids they soon found that using them on each other was better.
Shut yourself in a room and hold one of those on the metal door handle, then call for someone to come and assist with an urgent problem in said room. That was standard issue at our house.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Well your holding it in your hand Dicko...Nuff said B)

You must use a lot of that at your place :lol:
He caught you there stu, no prizes for coming second, you are leaving yourself wide open with those replies, wait until you do your next How to get rid of infestations thread, whether it be rats, mice or sheep have a riposte ready for dicko's wit.
spog said:
I need a can of this so bad !
Send a PM to DBS some of those flies he killed have dropped some..... :lol:
wide eyed and legless said:
He caught you there stu, no prizes for coming second, you are leaving yourself wide open with those replies, wait until you do your next How to get rid of infestations thread, whether it be rats, mice or sheep have a riposte ready for dicko's wit.
How to Deal with Dicko & WEAL....and is it worth it... The Movie

Staring Dicko & WEAL
Danwood said:
Hang that same irrefutable logic my pants also deter tigers ! tigers here...because I'm wearing my 'tiger-be-gone' pants (pat.pending).
You'll probably discover the various supplement companys - you know the ones, 'natures' this and 'bio' that - whos products occupy about a third of the shelving at your local chemist already hold the patient on specious products.
Not sure if the placebo effect applys to flys.

*FUN FACT! - global revenue for psudeopathic remedys was estimated to top 115 billion this year*
Which is still far less than its dilution rate.
According to that old naysayer, Dawkins..
Danwood said:
Shut yourself in a room and hold one of those on the metal door handle, then call for someone to come and assist with an urgent problem in said room. That was standard issue at our house.
Some people have told me I'm a bad father for doing this to my kid....
Will you please **** right off with your stupid click bait posts, you retarded Grafton ******.

(I think I might now open my 7th tallie of Stella of the afternoon)
You want to see bad flies. Come out here, the pricks carry you around the farm their that thick. And dont they just love Hi-Vis clothing even more.
Sitting on the back porch with a cuppa, blue sky not a breath of wind,I can hear boats starting up and heading out into the bay which is a calm as a mill pond .
7:30 am and F ing blow flies every where.
Stuff this I'm off to the shed to brew and listen to Macca.