Darwin Road Sign

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Funny - but im calling BS.
Wrong font for a sign (looks like times new roman or similar) and wouldnt a sign like that be white with black text or yellow with black text. Also why arent the corners more radiused (is that a word?) ?
It is very obviously 'shopped, Komodo.

Of course discussing that is very much akin to saying "Wait...what is there on the other side of the road that a chicken would even want? Your story seems entirely dubious to me. I said good-day, sir!"
Are those Reptiles even Australian natives? I'm guessing 'no'.
Also, if it were Australia, wouldn't the sign be on the left side of the road?

But, I still chuckled.
Funny - but im calling BS.


Shenanigans! Komodo's calling shenanigans!

definately 'shopped and not australia. they look more like alligators. The local esturine crocs aren't normally that sociable in the wild :D
if that sign is in oz it would be on the left hand side of the road not the right.....cheers......spog.
Unless, of course the water happened to be on the right side of the road.

You guys suck at pedantry.

'Tis 'shopped, of course.
The bird behind the sign has got balls though! Or did have!

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