Custom Crown Seals

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Does anyone have, or know how to get crown seals with there own label or logo.

I have seen some on the internet but they are all from the USA and quite expensive to buy and I would imagine to import, surely there must be a local manufacturer of crown seal who could do this but so far my internet searches have not turned up anything local.

Geoff D
I'd say that the local "printers" who do these are flat out servicing the existing brewing industry as it is. Next time you are in the bottlo look in the fridge and you will be amazed at the number of mainstream beers that are often topped with plain goldies - even the likes of VB - as they have obviously run out of the printed ones.
You would need to talk to Amcor Closure Systems; I think that division got renamed gala or such like. The problem you are going to have is that you would need to order multiple pallet loads = squillions and they aren't cheap.

800,000 minimum order is's how it works:

Drop from tallies to stubbies to double your cap usage.

Drink 4 stubbies each working day, and 6 stubbies a day on weekends.

32 stubbies a week over a year is 1664 caps per year.

You'll be done in 480 years. It's the secret to eternal life! :lol:
If you design if simple and 1 colour then you can find a local place that makes up stamps get on made for pretty cheap and then just stamp the top of each stubby. Rubbs off a little easy but it's enough to mark the cap with what beer it is.
Got to be a business op here. Can not be much harder then the custom add button business. All one needs is a source for flat plain caps, a way to print them, and the dies to convert the printed blanks to caps.

Does anyone still make add buttons? OR whatever you call them in Oz.
I have seen some on the internet but they are all from the USA and quite expensive to buy and I would imagine to import, surely there must be a local manufacturer of crown seal who could do this but so far my internet searches have not turned up anything local.
I have a box of 10,000 custom caps made by a company called 'Auscap Closure Systems'.
I got them from ebay, but you may be able to track the company down and see what their purchase requirements are.