Crown Lager In Aluminum Bottles

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Fosters launches lager in aluminum bottles

Until now, Crown Lager has only been available in 375-mL glass bottles. The brewer had considered a move into PET bottles, but preferred the appearance and shelf-life advantages of aluminum bottles.

The unique shape of the bottle and the distinctive, upscale look aim to enhance the premium image of the Crown Lager product. Paul Gloster, consumer solutions manager for Fosters Australia, says that consumer reception to the new quick-chill packaging has been more than enthusiastic. It looks great in peoples hands, and the aluminum bottles keep our Crown Lager cold longer than glass in the hot Australian sun.

Should be good for homebrew once the previous contents are disposed of :p


new quick-chill packaging... the aluminum bottles keep our Crown Lager cold longer than glass in the hot Australian sun.
I'm no heat conductivity expert, but if aluminium allows the beer to chill quicker than glass, won't it also make the beer warm up quicker? Or am I just confused?
Malnourished said:
new quick-chill packaging... the aluminum bottles keep our Crown Lager cold longer than glass in the hot Australian sun.
I'm no heat conductivity expert, but if aluminium allows the beer to chill quicker than glass, won't it also make the beer warm up quicker? Or am I just confused?

Not confused at all. No such thing as a one way heat conductor.

I did like the comment about them looking great in people's hands... shows they know their market - people who want a fancy looking beer and don't care about the taste.

I'm not even sure whether they will be OK for homebrew as aly is fairly soft so the crown seals may mark the rim enough to make getting a new crown seal to seal properly dificult. Especialy after a couple of re-uses.

According to the American homebrew sites, these are ok to recap. At least with a bench capper. Link
Doc , you must be bored, surfing around packaging wesites....
Damn, they're ugly. I'll still try out some if I can, so long as I don't have to drink the beer.
sinkas said:
Doc , you must be bored, surfing around packaging wesites....

Filtered (and colour coded) RSS feeds sinkas :p

Apparently there's really no connection between aluminium and Old Timer's Disease. Just some initial research that was not reproduced.

You can just forget about all about it Chippy. ;)
Stuster said:
Apparently there's really no connection between aluminium and Old Timer's Disease. Just some initial research that was not reproduced.
Plus, you know, a pretty large proportion of beer consumed in this country is already packaged in aluminium... :p
Malnourished said:
Plus, you know, a pretty large proportion of beer consumed in this country is already packaged in aluminium... :p
Albeit with a plastic coating, what was the question????
oh goody, now you can drink crap beer from a bottle and have it taste like its from a can... the bogans will love it!
Ease up fellas.I work in the industry that
Now what was it again.Oh yeah they mine then refine
And then it gets shipped away and turned into
Well i will remember again tomorrow when i go back to work and do what ever it is i do that helps make brown dirt turn white then into shiny bottles and stuff.

AHHH what ever my name is.It will come back to me. ;)
Paul Gloster, consumer solutions manager

Consumer Solutions Manager
Pay $NEG
Reports to Marketing Manager
Responsible for solving the problem of how to trick gullible consumers into drinking CUB 'beverages'.
I agree they are ugly :beerbang:
I hope someone chokes on the beer inside it :super:

Boozed, bruised and broken boned
Hmm, maybe the same focus group that said Pepsi samba tastes nice said that the bottles look great...

If I can get my hands on aluminium long necks... that'll be good
I beg to differ that these would be good bottles for home brew. I've had the odd imported glass bottle that was not made from see-through glass and they are impossible to fill without getting a good slurp of beer all over you or the floor when they overflow. Happens every time without fail!
Over here in the land of sumo, sushi, sakura, and...bottle-cans, I have been packaging home brew in aluminium bottles (with re-useable screw-top lids, I might add) for about four years.
(note copyright date at the bottom of that page: 2000)

My bottles are all sorts of colours and designs, from Pepsi Lemon and Vanilla Coke to Kirin beer and oolong and green tea. I just looked for some photos to show you and discovered they actually have annual design awards, what with the suitability of the bottle cans to complete package designs, not just a paper label. Here we go:
Mitsuya cider from Asahi:
Some green tea:
Good old calpis:

Anyway, my main two practical takes on this are: 1) The crown bottles not being screw top is quite primitive, imho. 2) The person (TD) who mentioned that they are difficult to fill when you cannot see inside is 100% right. But I wouldn't say impossible. You have to be very careful and must hone your technique, but you can get by, especially with a good quality bottle filler.

I should also add that I also have a kegging setup these days and only use the bottle cans as a last resort.

Malnourished said:
new quick-chill packaging... the aluminum bottles keep our Crown Lager cold longer than glass in the hot Australian sun.
I'm no heat conductivity expert, but if aluminium allows the beer to chill quicker than glass, won't it also make the beer warm up quicker? Or am I just confused?
I thought the same when I read the article (about a month ago Doc...old news :p ). However it will appear colder to the consumer holding it in his hand due to the conductivity factor even if warming faster from the heat it's robbing the guys hand of.
On another note the aluminium is going to reflect radiant heat better than dark glass.
Overall I think it's still crap ;)


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