I made a red ale a while back with deep red/ brown colour and caramel flavours, roasted my own malts, hopped with EKG and used 1469. Thought this is great it tastes so caramelly and had a hint of coffee flavour, thick creamy head, not super bitter. After trying a couple of these at home I went to the local one arvo and the squires were out.......... So I grabbed an old, low and behold it was almost an exact match to the full "boutique" home brew I had made. Turns out Tooheys old was a boutique all along. Ha ha ha, I do enjoy old but it seems to be a slow mover at my local. Everyone that tried my beer thought it had too much flavour...........And whenever I have an old or even a squire, peo ple say, oh they have too much flavour. I will drink pretty much any type of beer on tap as I enjoy the various idiosyncrasies of each, I guess flavour preference is in the eye of the beholder. Why shouldn't we drink beers that we can knock back when we are thirsty, or enjoy slowly with a meal. Or get our senses roared at by hops and bitterness? Why not. "Judge not, lest ye be judged" I think the culture hasn't changed, there was just never a market for people to fill. Now awareness has changed and as people find out about a new product, they will try it. Over time this will no doubt change again and again and in the near future, people may say" Why are you drinking that hoppy **** you sheep!" Only time will tell. -_-