Cooper's Wheat + Wheat Malt Suggestions

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As soon as the weather cools down, I had planned to make a wheat beer using:

* 1.7kg can of Thomas Coopers Brewmaster Selection Wheat Beer
* 1kg can of Morgan's Master Brew Wheat Malt
* Safale K-97 yeast

I've since read comments on the forums that K-97 is more like a Kolsch yeast, and might be disappointing in a wheat beer. :eek:
Has anyone tried making a similar brew with K-97?

(Plan B would be to add some "Witty" flavourings to compensate for the lack of esters from the yeast.)
Hi Jaeger,

If it's a German (Bavarian) wheat you're after, you can't go past Wyeast #3068 (Weihenstephan Weizen). It makes a superb beer and will create those estery/phenolic characteristics you're looking for - banana, clove etc.

Your current selection of K-97 is also fine, but strictly speaking is better for Belgian Wheat beers, creating lower esters. There's no real way to capture banana esters other than yeast choice, but you can suspend a small amount of orange rind and coriander in the fermenter after a day or two of fermenting (in a nylon bag) to help the flavours along.
K97 will work fine, you could also try re-culturing a Coopers Pale Ale yeast. It can be fairly estery, or so I'm told.
I've used US-56 (or whatever it's called now), but it produces a fairly clean sorta wheat beer. Though not all the flavour in a wheat is from the yeast, a lot of it's just the wheat and the way it ferments.
As soon as the weather cools down, I had planned to make a wheat beer using:

* 1.7kg can of Thomas Coopers Brewmaster Selection Wheat Beer
* 1kg can of Morgan's Master Brew Wheat Malt
* Safale K-97 yeast

I've since read comments on the forums that K-97 is more like a Kolsch yeast, and might be disappointing in a wheat beer. :eek:
Has anyone tried making a similar brew with K-97?

(Plan B would be to add some "Witty" flavourings to compensate for the lack of esters from the yeast.)

Heres a cracker kit Weizen.

Morgans Golden Sheaf Can.

1 kilo of dried Wheat Malt.

20 grams of freshly crushed Coriander. ( i'd go 25 or 30 ).

Jar of orange or mandarine, marmalade........mine was with ginger. Or the rhind of 4 Oranges, grated without pith.,or the peelings of 4 Mandarines, oven dried.

Wyeast 3056.

Cracker of a beer. :super:
Liquid yeasts do make a big difference to a wheat beer
Forgot to mention you can finish off with Hallertau hops........Luverly !!!
If for whatever reason you can't or don't use liquid for this one ferment the k97 warm 22-28C to start to get towards the flavours you desire.

I entered a beer in a comp once fermented with k97 and the judges comments stated that I should have put it in the wheat class, when it contained no wheat at all...
Thanks for the feedback (and apologies for the late reply.)

For this brew I've opted to just make a "clean" wheat beer with the ingredients on hand (Coopers Wheat Beer + Morgans Wheat Malt + K-97 yeast) to see how it goes; I'll tinker with future brews to taste.

The starting temperature is 24 deg. C, which is the top of the recommended range and should help boost the ester production a bit. It's the coldest starting temperature I've managed to date, so with winter approaching brewing a proper lager is looking good!
Can anyone advise how

1 tin coopers wheat beer
1 tin mogan's amber malt extract
safale k-97 will go?
On another note, does anyone have any ideas on what to put with a can of Cascade Spicy Ghost Draught?
It's supposed to be "wheat inspired", but a lot of guys think otherwise...
On another note, does anyone have any ideas on what to put with a can of Cascade Spicy Ghost Draught?
It's supposed to be "wheat inspired", but a lot of guys think otherwise...
1.5 kg light malt liquid extract (coopers)
250ml strong flavoured honey
us 05 yeast.

I have done spicy ghost honey ale three times and, except for one over carbonation, all where good.
1.5 kg light malt liquid extract (coopers)
250ml strong flavoured honey
us 05 yeast.

I have done spicy ghost honey ale three times and, except for one over carbonation, all where good.

Mmm... sounds nice

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