It's not bad. It's just a different way of doing this. My current Method is all done in the primary fermentation vessel. 1 week of ferment, then 1 week of dry hopping followed by 1 week cold crash, all in the first vessel. I then rack into a second vessel which has my bulk priming sugar solution, which I then immediately bottle.
Some people rack to a secondary after 1 week in the primary then condition it by what ever process they like, in the secondary. everyone develops their own method. Racking is considered a good this because the yeast cake "may" impart off flavours into a brew. however in my experience, a few weeks on the yeast cake does not hurt it.
The reason for conditioning in the primary or secondary vessel, is the idea that the more yeast there is doing the conditioning the faster/better it will happen( as opposed to the limited amount in a single bottle). I'm sure there are other reasons too. Home brew is about patience!
How long does your brew stay in the primary vessel before bottling? do you have a temperature controlled environment?( fridge/ temp controller etc) Racking off can help your beer flavour, but as I said, my method seems to produce fairly good results(and is less complicated than multiple racking's, and less chance of introducing infection) from a single vessel. So I would choose a longer time in the primary instead racking to a secondary for a first move to improvement in flavour.