Coopers Mexican Cerveza

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Throw a new yeast at it. swirl it up and give it another week.
wereprawn said:
That's odd Damo. The only think i can think of is that the yeast was not good due to age. Could try throwing a fresh pack in.If it refuses to cooperate after that you may as well keg , refrigerate, gas and drink quick so you can try again imo..

yum beer said:
Throw a new yeast at it. swirl it up and give it another week.
Cheers boys, did this today and will see how we go..


Did Coopers Mexican Cerveza with 700 grams dextrose and 500g tubs of maltose syrup and kit yeast fermented under 17 c lacks flavor needs more hop flavor .Could be mixed to make an alcopop flavor very neutral but is easy to drink.
Did my first coopers Mexican cerveza as per instructions on the kit using 1kg of coopers brew enhancer 2. SG was 1.060 and FG was 1.010. It has been kegged and see what its like..
Hey axl I would say you had some crap in your initial sample. No way you get 1060 with 1 can and a kilo of BE2.
Punch your numbers into some top of my head , probably more like 1040..
Hey Yum Beer.... Yeah I don't know mate. I cant use tap water here as it is **** . I have buy filtered water from woollies..

yum beer said:
Hey axl I would say you had some crap in your initial sample. No way you get 1060 with 1 can and a kilo of BE2.
Punch your numbers into some top of my head , probably more like 1040..
I have made this kit for the missues with BE2 and dextrose. I think that the BE2 made the beer to malty that contradicts this style of beer. Would definitely recommend just using dextrose.
Hi Fuseo. Racking your brew means to siphon your brew from your primary to secondary, primarily to separate it from the yeast cake. You would then condition it for what ever time you choose, then go through your bottling process. hope this helps.
By the way guys, I'm now drinking my latest version of the Coopers Cerveza. It's the kit, 200g light dry malt, plus 400g Cara pils grain as I mentions earlier, with Amarillo hops. Taste great! It's also only 3.1% for those looking to brew a light beer. pretty nice head as well. I used Nottingham yeast. This is to be my base recipe for hops experimentation.
burrster said:
Hi Fuseo. Racking your brew means to siphon your brew from your primary to secondary, primarily to separate it from the yeast cake. You would then condition it for what ever time you choose, then go through your bottling process. hope this helps.

So after the fermentation process there's more waiting time BEFORE bottling? I have NEVER done that. It goes straight from the fermenter into bottles. Is this bad? Would my beer turn out better by "racking off" even though I'm using kits and kilos?
It's not bad. It's just a different way of doing this. My current Method is all done in the primary fermentation vessel. 1 week of ferment, then 1 week of dry hopping followed by 1 week cold crash, all in the first vessel. I then rack into a second vessel which has my bulk priming sugar solution, which I then immediately bottle.

Some people rack to a secondary after 1 week in the primary then condition it by what ever process they like, in the secondary. everyone develops their own method. Racking is considered a good this because the yeast cake "may" impart off flavours into a brew. however in my experience, a few weeks on the yeast cake does not hurt it.

The reason for conditioning in the primary or secondary vessel, is the idea that the more yeast there is doing the conditioning the faster/better it will happen( as opposed to the limited amount in a single bottle). I'm sure there are other reasons too. Home brew is about patience!

How long does your brew stay in the primary vessel before bottling? do you have a temperature controlled environment?( fridge/ temp controller etc) Racking off can help your beer flavour, but as I said, my method seems to produce fairly good results(and is less complicated than multiple racking's, and less chance of introducing infection) from a single vessel. So I would choose a longer time in the primary instead racking to a secondary for a first move to improvement in flavour.
So much solid info there man! Thank you!

In a nut shell, I mix in the kilo of brew enhancer or whatever goes with the particular batch along with the concentrate. 2 litres boiling water and stir the heck out of it. Add tap water to the 23ltr mark on the fermenter. Put on the Krausen collar and add the yeast. I then take a gravity reading and note the temp and that's it. I will take four other gravity readings and inject them into a excel workbook I have made up with basic formulas to give me averages and the like. When gravity is at 1.010 for two or three days straight I then bottle with carb drops. My fermenter is in the coolest section of our fifty year old cottage which has the ability to hold my brew temps at around 23 degrees year round.

I have used this method on all my batches. I have only made five home brew batches since I bought the kit. Sadly my attempt at the coopers Canadian blonde went to vinegar. I left the brew in the primary fermenter for 3 weeks which I was advised that was the reason for it.

So yeah. I pretty much run the fundamental instruction on the pack style for brewing. Hence my intrigue when racking off was explained to me.
Hey Fuseo, good idea to check your temp 'before' you add your yeast, just to be sure your temp is not too high. Low 20's is ideal to pitch and if you can ferment at 18-20 you will see improvement in flavour.
Pitching hot will cause thte yeast to throw some undersirable flavours.
Obce you have a stable hydro readings for 3 days let it sit another 5 days(in a fridge if you can) before you bottle....this will allow the yeast to drop out and make a clearer and tastier brew.
You should find that winter may help with the lower temps and may even let you use some lager yeast(s-189 will run out to a higher temp,18ish without any problem).
I don't know if I have done anything wrong. I followed the directions as per kit to 23 litres. It tastes a bit weak for me. Can I make it for 20 litres instead of 23 or add more be2.
Axl100, best bet would be to drop to 20L. It is a clean ('weak' as you put it)tasting brew though. If you describe what you think is weak, I could lead you in the right direction. Does it need more malt flavour, bitterness, hops flavour?
Making it up to 20 ltr will give more flavour. Those cervesa kits make a great base for much more interesting beers though.

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