Cooper brew Kit still bubbling away

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Hi Guys,

I have had a Coopers English Bitter kit on the go now for a over 2 weeks now at low 20s centigrade. Over this past weekend I took the specific gravity over a couple of days and it was steady at 1016. I have left it as I 'm not able to start bottling until this weekend and I've noticed it has started bubbling again!! The temp now is 17C. Can I take the steady SG readings as indication I can start bottling or what? I'm at a bit of a loss. My brews have always lasted a week or so and stopped bubbling. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Ray Wilkins
Rosebud, Vic
Trust your hydrometer to tell you when it has finished fermenting, it may be due to the temp difference expanding/contracting the beer.

Simply put:

Hydrometer = Scientifically calibrated test apparatus
Airlock = $2 piece of ****** plastic
did you just follow the instructions on the can, ie 500gms of light dry malt or did you add extras? If reading steady at 1016 then bottle as airlock bubbles are just for fun.