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the closest I can think of is wheelchair rugby, that game looks pretty hectic.
I remember they had a tv show on it before the Paralympics one year. Bloody psychos. All that testosterone and no outlet until they found wheelchair rugby. One show I watched a guy crashed into another chair at full pace and ended up flipping over the chair. Got his chair up again and off after the ball.
I was really impressed with the strength of the chairs. They gave those things a flogging!!!
I've played dirt bike polo before. Ridiculously dangerous/good fun!
Bit hard to hold the clutch, throttle and stick at the same time though.
Plus you have to use the mallet in your left hand.
How about Curling.
Anyone know the two conflicting ideas behind why they curl??

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Hasn't Murderball been renamed so its name doesn't upset the P.C masses.?
Spent the weekend in Melbourne.

WTF is wrong with people these days???

Is it City v Country (Like all my argurments :lol: )

On the plane, both ways it happened, flights between Sydney & Melbourne. Watching older people or ladies struggling to remove their bags from the overhead, people just stand there staring at them and getting annoyed they are taking so long because they want to get off the plane quicker, so they can wait at the baggage carousal. Why the fuk cant people help these people get there bags down, young and middle aged guys just standing there watching these poor people bust there arse.
I helped one chick and she congratulated me that hard I thought I may have got her pregnant and i'd have to inform the wife I've somehow impregnated a girl while giving her a bag from the overhead. She was so stoked.

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Tell me about it. My wife used to commute to the docklands and even when 6 months pregnant she sometimes had to stand on the train. One day she had to sit on the ground to stop from collapsing and people just looked at her like she was a junkie.
They must do the same thing at home to their parents and grandparents.

Although, it's a bit hard not to get annoyed with the ones travelling with massive hand luggage on a commuter flight. Ffs, it is a 1 hr flight and it takes 20 minutes to get out of the plane for all the ridiculous amounts of crap people haul.
manticle said:
Not all of us are that self absorbed and callous Shaunous.
I know mate.
Just having a go :lol:

But that plane thing and not helping the elderly, women and short people annoyed me. How hard is it?
Another thing on the flight from Melb to Sydney, an Asian private school (excuse my generalisation, but I couldn't read their blazers), the plane was 4/5 full of them, including 4 teachers. The plane was late because they are couldn't obviously understand the term 'Turn off all your fukin electrical shit', the teachers mustn't have been able to speak English either, as they sat there and didn't help, the stewardess had to physically spend a minute or more at every set of seats doing hand signals to turn their phones and other weird gadgets off, then return to sit down, and notice most of them had just switched them back on again, then go through the same shit again doing hand signals and telling them to turn it off. Lucky I was sober at this point or I would have turned around and launched a phone or 2.

Needless to say, I didn't help any of them with their bags. im pretty sure 'Turn Off' while pointing at a device and making cut throat signals cant be that hard to figure out, in anyone's language. Then to turn them back on again straight after, im sorry, yáll deserve back pain.
shaunous said:
I know mate.
Just having a go :lol:

But that plane thing and not helping the elderly, women and short people annoyed me. How hard is it?
Happens on public transport a lot too (unhelpful selfish attitudes I mean). Other great things include trying to enter the train as people are coming off. Had a girl presume she could just walk straight at me/through me the other day. Confirmation that I am made of solid matter.
manticle said:
Happens on public transport a lot too (unhelpful selfish attitudes I mean). Other great things include trying to enter the train as people are coming off. Had a girl presume she could just walk straight at me/through me the other day. Confirmation that I am made of solid matter.
I noticed when in Munich and Austria that people stand back and allow passengers to get off the tram/train/ bus before themselves getting on board,common courtesy.
But in London more than a few found out that I am also made of solid matter.
Adding to plane passengers I usually in a raised voice say....quick,quick grab ya bags and get of the plane before the terminal moves.
People stare at me as if I am nuts.but it does cause more than a few to smile.
Just yell....." ******* boat for your lives...there gunna steal our jobs and root our children"
... and install Windows Vista on your home computers while you are out.

Ohhhh the humanity.
The one thing I love about working FIFO and having to fly to and from work is that we all know each other. When we land, everyone waits until the passengers in front of them get up to disembark. There's no mad scramble and it's just so easy. I don't know why all planes don't operate like this.

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