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You tube keeps putting vegan and raw foodist videos in the 'Recommended' box for some reason leaving me with no option but to click on the link and perhaps leave a comment.
Those people sure can be rude. And sensitive. One even called me a inbred neanderthal followed by the F and C word, which is only a partial truth.
If you're ever lectured by a paleo diet enthusiast and they mention switching to sunflower oil (which they almost certainly will at some point) respond with the following:

"Oh so you're a native american are you?"

"No" *confused look*

"Oh that's funny, the Sunflower is. I guess your ancestors didn't eat that after all"
I love doing that as well. Pointing out that paeleolithic covered everything from people who lived mostly on yams and other tubers to people who ate almost nothing but raw seal blubber tends to mess with the nice simple picture they got from whatever web site they read.

That and the whole food insecurity/starvation thing that happened back then as well. Can't be properly paeleo without nearly starving to death a couple of times during bad winters.
Pretty sure sunflower oil isn't 'paleo'. Seeds yes, oil no. The widely accepted oil is olive.
Ahh the paleo diet. I support it, I reckon it's a good thing. Before you go hating on me though it's based on the assumption of eating the right amount of healthy foods. If all of Australia cut out the sugars and majority of carbs and ate the right amount of food, then we'll (Australia) all be better off. Simple as that. Watching your diet and making sure you eat a variety of foods, and not too much of them, will see you being a healthier person. The paleo diet forces people to do just that. I had the pleasure of working with a bloke who lived and breathed it, owned books and idolised the great Mark Sisson. He also spent about 3 hours every night doing Crossfit, was in his early to mid 20's, had a gym in garage and didn't have pesky kids or other hobbies to distract him. He was fit and healthy but fitness was his lifestyle. I'd argue he'd be fit and healthy if he still had the occsional soft drink, pasta for dinner or beer every second night.

Though I think it also forces you to force the diet on everyone you come across and criticise their eating habits, while looking like a hypocritical dick all at the same time when you drink 'paleo-approved' beers because they contain animal fats.

It's the opposite of Fight Club: the first rule of the paleo diet is to never shut the **** up about the paleo diet.
Liam_snorkel said:
likewise with crossfit - fark those people never shut up about it.
This guy had his YT channel shut down (temporarily) due to threats from the crossfit community. To bad for them he's actually a lawyer. Glad someone started calling them on their ********. Possibly the most sarcastic person on youtube.
If performing high risk Olympic style movements against the clock wasn't a good enough segue to injury, the fact that instructors basically get their certification over the course of a weekend completes the wreckage.

Certainly has been a good money spinner for its founder, Greg Glassman.
"Forging Elite Fittness"

Would you buy an exercise program off this man?..

Haha, I keep hearing about that crossfit thing, once it clicked that the only people talking about it are stereotypical gen y sheeple I've zoned out whenever its mentioned.

Anything that seems to be targeted at that demographic I've found best not to take any notice of.

******* hell, I'm a grumpy old man before the age of 30. Damn kids.
Liam_snorkel said:
likewise with crossfit - fark those people never shut up about it.
How can you tell if someone at a party is vegan/paleo/crossfit/gluten intoleramt?

Don't worry.. they'll tell you.
They must've an easier time than I do. I've to tell people a few times to make sure I get something to eat. Or I'd both go hungry and have to sustain their incredulity.

I had the light bulb moment when I realised the southern star down here would be the North Star I grew up watching. Yoga. It does work at clearing the head of the debris of all day.
What's up with the US craft beer scene these days where they drink beer from glass jars like mason jars or jam jars etc? It's all over Instagram and I've seen it on various US craft beer websites. What's that all about?
Cronessa said:
Reminds me of the time I was having a BBQ in a park with my extended family. We had just used the public BBQ and were hanging around eating in its general vicinity as it was under a gazebo. Pretty much the only other person in the park was a guy kicking a ball with his kids.
Guy then goes to leave and has an go at my dad (the oldest member of the group) for not letting him use the BBQ. I see red and have a go at him. I seriously had to be held back.
The guy gave absolutely no indication he wished to use the BBQ. He was kicking the ball 50 meters away most of the time. He didn't even leave with any kind of bag so I'm not sure he even had meat.
The "meat" was between his ears.
Dave70 said:
This guy had his YT channel shut down (temporarily) due to threats from the crossfit community. To bad for them he's actually a lawyer. Glad someone started calling them on their ********. Possibly the most sarcastic person on youtube.
If performing high risk Olympic style movements against the clock wasn't a good enough segue to injury, the fact that instructors basically get their certification over the course of a weekend completes the wreckage.

Certainly has been a good money spinner for its founder, Greg Glassman.
"Forging Elite Fittness"

Would you buy an exercise program off this man?..

Had a quick look at Model tries crossfit,At least it can recognise a bucket,so it's not entirely clueless.....I am like totally sure she knows something.
Truman said:
What's up with the US craft beer scene these days where they drink beer from glass jars like mason jars or jam jars etc? It's all over Instagram and I've seen it on various US craft beer websites. What's that all about?
Call me a trend setter, but I've always done that. More so with wine and port, but sometimes with beer.

'Having a jar of tawny' was often heard around these parts.

When we were punk kids breaking **** and doing kick flips, we used to fill glass jam jars with wine and even leave the lid on when not drinking from them, man we were kool :)
shaunous said:
Call me a trend setter, but I've always done that. More so with wine and port, but sometimes with beer.
'Having a jar of tawny' was often heard around these parts.
When we were punk kids breaking **** and doing kick flips, we used to fill glass jam jars with wine and even leave the lid on when not drinking from them, man we were kool :)
You got swag, man
That there saying is why I cannot listen to Zan Rowe on JJJ anymore. Swagger and swag were cool verbs, until Zan said it, every fukin 5 minutes about everything, for weeks and weeks, and probably still does but I don't listen.
StalkingWilbur said:
Swag and swagger were cool? Did you go to the Bieber concert?
Now that was just cruel.

But it made me laugh....I can just see Shaun at thaat concert.....