There was one brew there where the brewer had added actual passionfruit and guava to an IPA where the hops already added enough tropical fruit to make it taste like a fruit salad. Not my favorite beer that one.
Honestly, its not just the hops, or the beards. Its also that we dont seem to be able to have a regular strength beer. Everything is 7%+. Can't have a brown ale, it has to be an IMPERIAl brown. Can't have a pilsner,oh no, this is an 8% IMPERIAl pilsner, much better than those regular ones. Forget those boring stouts, this is an IMPERIAL stout.
Its the general lack of subtlty and this belief that bigger has to be better. More hops, more alcohol, stronger flavours, more, more, more of everything. Its like you have to apply flavours with a sledgehammer.