Confession Of A Home Brewer

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Tony, to put it in perspective, im hoping that my 1 n 1/2 month old irish stout will become better with age. Tastes very strong of malt and coffee, not in a good way, and has a very harsh sandpaper texture feels like dirt, oh yeah i added too much ground coffee lol
:p yep your out of the square....... ground coffee hey hehe

welcome to the club mate :) you have to tip it out though :)

It sounds like something that takes time to mature into something worth tipping. If you andt drink it after a year...... it aint going to get any better.

the painfull bit is when you make something really nice and it over carbs to the point of being undrinkable as it gushes, plenty of that went down the drain as well. I wirked out a priming ratio that took final gravity and volume into consideration and never happened again.

I posted my results on a certain website and what do you know........

not complaining....... oposite actually. this works well

here is my chart.

Its designed for more long term bottle conditioning ( 3 months) but the beer has fine bubbles and a creamy head compared to hastily carbed beer with big bubbles and poor head

FG 50 liters 22 liters

1.004 386 170
1.005 375 165
1.006 364 160
1.007 352 155
1.008 341 150
1.009 330 145
1.010 318 140
1.011 307 135
1.012 295 130
1.013 284 125
1.014 273 120
1.015 261 115
1.016 250 110
1.017 239 105
1.018 227 100
1.019 216 95
1.020 205 90

amounts are for dextrose in full firmented (sat in secondary for a while till done) beer

Man the flu sux, been sick for 5 days now unable to do much at all till today :(

Well the good news is that it was only 1 month old when tried, it still has a long time to get better, its gonna need it!

I have never bulk primed, i've always been happy with how my bottles turn out. A heaped measure spoon for high carbeb and a low spoonful for low carb. Moreso because i rarely bottle an entire batch thesedays. Looks like a good system you have worked out Tony, i may have to borrow it too :) give it a go next time. (if im sober enough remember lol)
I too have feed bad beer to the lawn

Due to a number of factors

* Drank to much and screwed up the recipie
* Got some weird white stuff on top
* Got drunk and screwed up the recipie
* Used to much Roast wheat malt....way to um...bitter/yuck
* Got drunk and screwed up the recipie
* Used to many hops and got it unbalanced
* Got drunk and...well, you know the rest
I have brewed bad beer , and am proud of it

Love this post Ducatiboy.

I've only brewed two, a Coopers Lager and Sparkling Ale. Tossed down a few longneck with the Old Man on the weekend and I am happy to say. "No bad batch yet" Love this this. :beer:
I have some bottles of beer from different brews that I have done,that i thought would get better with age but have'nt.I am thinking about boiling them and making another brew with them,does anybody know if this could work?
Im with les on this one. Bad beers make great tools for cooking. Whether it is just for caramelising your onions when bbq'ing or making a nice winter pie, etc.

I find beer particualarly good for marinades for chicken or pork.

Anyway only done this with i batch of a newcastle brown style I did which didn't really work out. Ended black, too much choc malt/roast barley. had funky smokey flavours, but not to style.
I just tipped a heap down the drain tonight don't feel so bad after reading the post. It was an Apple lager and I had the great idea of adding some apple juice to it to give it a bit of kick and over did it. Strange mix between a cider and beer not good but did take be back to the days of drinking Snake bites in london but I still can't get them down they just taste wrong
I have a batch of belgian strong ale I made on the Big Brew Day, which is pretty crap. Developed some kind of off taste while in the secondary. It's a real shame as the samples were absolutely superb out of the primary.
Got the bottles sitting in the garage at the moment, hopefully getting better with age, but we all know that's not gonna happen. :(
Still there's no rush to tip them all out just yet.
I have some bottles of beer from different brews that I have done,that i thought would get better with age but have'nt.I am thinking about boiling them and making another brew with them,does anybody know if this could work?

It won't work cause the yeast has chewed through most of the fermentables to produce alcohol & CO2. There'd be little fermentatables left for any new yeast to munch on.

If you really really don't want to see it go to waste, run it through a "water purifier" to reclaim the alcohol. :ph34r: B) don't expect a large quantity - you're beer would be about 5% by volume.

You could always feed it to drunk mates when their VB/TED runs out late at night :lol:
Tony, to put it in perspective, im hoping that my 1 n 1/2 month old irish stout will become better with age. Tastes very strong of malt and coffee, not in a good way, and has a very harsh sandpaper texture feels like dirt, oh yeah i added too much ground coffee lol

I opened another bottle tonight and its coming along nice, its got a strong fluffy head, clean taste and seems balanced in bitterness. Only a slight hint of coffee. Maybe i got a dud bottle the first try??

I'll slowly keep trying these but i think they may end up rather ok :eek: :D
Google "uses beer" has 2,360,000 links.In these days of general water shortages it seems a pity to pour something mostly water down the drain.
If I had some unsatisfactory beer I would try to define why.A book I find useful is Homebrewing Volume 1
(2003) by Al Korzonas which I got from has a section on various nasty flavours ,aromas and trouble shooting.
I have been brewing for about 18 months,all kits.It certainly improved once I started using quality ingredients and not using the kit yeast.
With some of your unsatisfactory beer you could try adding some of your favourite flavours.One day I will try aniseed flavouring in a beer but wouldn't like to waste a good beer.

Good luck


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